Why do not some vaccines return to the second dose?  |  News from science to improve the quality of life |  DW

Why do not some vaccines return to the second dose? | News from science to improve the quality of life | DW

Why did millions of Americans skip the second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine? In the United States, approximately 8% of people who took the first dose of the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine…

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Find out how to increase your NUBANK credit limit

Find out how to increase your NUBANK credit limit

How to increase Nubank credit limit? Fintech has become one of the largest digital banks in the country with over 35 million registered customers. The company provides many services and…

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A home office harms a worker’s mental health

A home office harms a worker’s mental health

Amanda Lemus, from SP – The epidemic does not only affect physical health. It has also been shown to be detrimental to the mental health of workers, a phenomenon that…

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Recife joins the “Corrida ao Zero” campaign run by the British government

Recife joins the “Corrida ao Zero” campaign run by the British government

Peter Wilson, the UK ambassador to Brazil since July 2020, is committed to announcing Cop26 (the UN Climate Change Conference), which will be based in Scotland in November, as well…

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A hundred years after the partition of Ireland, Brexit sparked support for reunification

A hundred years after the partition of Ireland, Brexit sparked support for reunification

100 years ago, in an effort to contain nationalist ideas in southern Ireland, the Catholic majority, while at the same time protecting the interests of the majority of Protestant trade…

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With Google Pay, Nubank has 1 million registered users

a Nubank It has reached another significant figure in its history as a digital bank targeting people who want to reclaim the reins of financial life. This is because Financial…

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Naturismo: “Walking naked gives me a feeling of freedom” |  Long live the

Naturismo: “Walking naked gives me a feeling of freedom” | Long live the

The lockdowns imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic have made many people re-discover the joy of exploring nature when they have the opportunity to leave their homes. But are you thinking…

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With a billion doses in place, which countries are most vaccinated?

With a billion doses in place, which countries are most vaccinated?

Coronavirus: The chief scientist at the World Health Organization believes that the milestone of 2 billion doses will arrive faster (Sajjad Hussain / AFP / Getty Images) Nearly a year…

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Overstretched, UPAs record absences from doctors

Overstretched, UPAs record absences from doctors

1 Acetono Junior It was Geisel’s UPA that scored the most missed physician’s balance in the past month Overburdened by the meeting, in addition to their demands, the Central Emergency…

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The credit card renewal increases and the overdraft interest decreases

The credit card renewal increases and the overdraft interest decreases

The revolving interest rate, the highest in the credit market, rose between February and March from 326.8% to 334.9%. On the other hand, the interest rate decreased from 124.9% to…

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