BA.2: Could the variant cause a new global wave of COVID?

BA.2: Could the variant cause a new global wave of COVID?

Cases of a variant of the micron, BA.2, begin to increase worldwide. At the moment, new infections are concentrated in European countries such as Germany and the United Kingdom. But, most likely, the covid-19 virus strain has not yet reached other countries and becomes prevalent.

In the United States, the proportion of BA.2 cases is already increasing. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 35% of new Covid-19 cases are due to this variant of the micron. The trend is for growth in the coming weeks.

Variant BA.2 could lead to a new increase in global coronavirus cases, as in Germany (Photo: Reproduction / IciakPhotos / Envato)

The alternative is growing in the United States

“The US is likely to see an increase in Covid-19 cases in the coming weeks because that’s the pattern we’ve seen before. We’re a few weeks behind the UK and Europe, so the increase they’re seeing can be reversed.” Here,” Lena Wayne, a physician and professor at George Washington University, explains to CNN.

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In the clinician’s analysis, “BA.2 appears to be well on its way to overtaking BA.1 to become the dominant alternative” in the United States. Faced with the potential scenario, “our government officials must prepare for what may come and increase the availability of tests and treatments, and continue to require people to receive vaccines and boosters,” the expert adds.

BA.2 cases in Brazil

In Brazil, a survey conducted by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Viocruz) noted that the breed is still in its infancy here. In the latter sample, only 21 of the 2,971 genomes sequenced were of the sub-variant. With this said, the data shows that BA.2 still has room to grow and, in the future, could lead to a new wave of covid-19.

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However, at present, the native Micron variant (BA.1) remains the dominant strain in the country and is identified in nearly 100% of the sequenced samples. This data also appears, in a similar way, in the analyzes of the Putantan Institute.

What are the risks of Ômicron subvariant?

According to Wen, “BA.2 appears to be more contagious than [variante] BA.1.” For example, the UK Health Security Agency (HSE) estimates that the growth rate of the sub-variable is 80% higher than the growth rate of the original Omicron. On the other hand, “BA.” 2 does not appear to cause more serious disease than BA.1.”

Are vaccines still important?

Booster doses are important to avoid severe cases of variant BA.2 (Photo: Reproduction/DragonImages/Envato)

“Most vaccinated people, especially those receiving boosters, are unlikely to become seriously ill with BA.2,” explains Wayne, reinforcing the importance of covid-19 vaccination, especially in higher-risk groups, such as the elderly.

“Our vaccines are still effective. Although vaccination may not also protect against BA.1 and BA.2 infections, efficacy in this respect is partly due to a booster dose, and the vaccines continue to provide very good protection against serious diseases due to both The two variants of the micron,” he adds.

source: CNN

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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