During the party, Gustavo loses his patience and heightens the mood by attacking Douglas Silva
In the early hours of this Sunday morning (17), Gustavo And Douglas Silva They had a disagreement and spoke briefly during the party.
It all started when a law graduate approached the actor to criticize his lack of organization. Meanwhile, colleagues enjoyed confinement on the track.
“I’ll leave a wet towel on your bed‘, quarrel over a case lais. Then the artist sneered:If it’s to make up for it, I’ll leave that open too“.
At that moment, Coritibano lost his mind and went on the offensive: “Did not matter. You idiot. Lack of collective sense“.
Confused, Kamarot couldn’t believe what he heard: “Oh? what am I?“.”suckerGustavo repeated.I’ll give you a third chance“, He said DJ. “sucker’, the challenger fired again before the two of them moved away.
The actor called up when he was, a surfer and Paulo Andre Handing over the trial leader to Lyn da Quebrada. At that time, the situation did not allow her husband Mira Cardi Not happy – he only got back to normal when he had the chance to take advantage of his friend’s immunity deprivation.
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