The Central Bank announced, on Friday (21/1), the leakage of information related to 160 thousand Pix keys. According to the municipality, among exposed data, is the username, CPFRelationship institution and branch number. The case was observed between December 3 and 5 last year, and covered information under the tutelage and responsibility of Acesso Soluções de Pagamento SA (Acesso).
The problem occurred, according to the Basel Agreement, “due to accidental malfunctions in the systems of this payment institution.”
“The information obtained is of a spatial nature, which does not allow movement of resources, nor access to accounts or other financial data,” the note details.
The Monetary Authority says that victims of this leak will be notified through the application or through the online banking services of the institution they deal with. No contact by phone, text or email – setup a scam, if it occurs.
BC has stated that it will take the necessary measures. He stated: “Although current legislation does not require it, due to the potential low impact on users, BC has decided to take the event to the community, given the commitment to transparency that governs its performance.”
Another similar case occurred in September 2021, when The Central Bank reported a data leak of 395,000 Pix keys under the responsibility of Banese (Banco do Estado de Sergipe).