Best Show of Lollapalooza 2023, According to Tracklist Audiences

Best Show of Lollapalooza 2023, According to Tracklist Audiences

a Lollapalooza Brazil 2023 Ended this Sunday (26) – and among dozens of great performances, an audience Song list Chose the best festival offer among national and international attractions!

The tenth edition of Lolla BR gathered around 302,000 people over the three days of the festival, according to data from the event organisation. The festivity featured names from pop, rock, electronic music and more.

Check out below the result of our poll on the festival’s best parties!

Lollapalooza 2023: Best National Show

According to our audience, it was the best national show in the latest edition of Lollapalooza Brasil Carol Byazin. The singer, who received 42.79% of the vote, performed on the Adidas platform on Saturday (25).

Paranoid presented her new show seeking to promote her album “reflect”. in your Make the listand included tracks such as “MEMO SUITCASE”And “Beginning of the End”And “Role” and much more.

Secondly, it is Pedro Sampaio, which took the stage at Perry’s by Johnnie Walker Blonde on Friday (24). The DJ played his own songs, such as “on the new floor”And “dancer” that it “attention”; that it wrappers of tracks like “all kinds of love”in Lulu Santos.

Dubdogz vs KVSH In third place with 8.38%. The electronic music trio reunited for an exciting show on stage in Perry, which took place on Sunday (26).

Top 5 closes are Lyudmila, at 7.45%, reviving the Budweiser stage with a mix of funk, pagoda and pop; that it my houseby 3.08%, took to the Adidas stage in a nostalgia-filled show.

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Lollapalooza 2023: Best International Show

According to our audience, the best international show at Lollapalooza 2023 was the duo’s show Twenty one pilotswhich got 43.77%. The Artists performed at the Budweiser Theater on Saturday (25th), replacing blink 182.

However, the show was far from just an attempt to fill the empty space in the show Lined up. The duo’s party was marked by lots of fireworks and interaction with the audience He hitslike “The Gentiles”, “The Ride”And “squeezes out” that it “car radio”.

He won 12.64% of the vote Billie Eilish takes second place. In her festival debut, the singer secured the biggest audience of the edition, with around 103,000 people in attendance. Billy put all songs of Interlagos Autodrome as “bad guy”And “Happier than ever” that it “everything i wanted”.

Third place goes to rise againstby 11.99%. The hardcore band performed on the Adidas stage to an audience of ardent fans. a Make the list He said “Generation Nowhere”And “savior”And “give it all”And “Prayer of Refugees” and more.

Rosalia No. in fourth place, with 9.40% of the vote. The artist brought the entire tour experience to the Chevrolet Theatre “motomami”, dedicated to his latest album. And closing the top 5, is tame impalawith 4.82% – who delivered it He hits like “The less I know, the better.” that it “Border line”as well as a rich visual effects production.

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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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