Damascene jellies She was cheated on by her friend Carol Vichy It ended up getting rid of in the limit 5 This Tuesday night (15). The BBB18 Champion competed for Tribo Calango’s preference against Jessica MullerBut his poor performance on a recent immunity test cost him his spell on Globo’s reality show.
Before going to the removal portal, Glecci tries to persuade Carol to join her and Caesar to vote for someone else in the group. His first intention was to take Andre Martinelli From the game, but when he realizes the brunette’s pact with the supermodel, he quickly tries to turn his sights on Jessica.
Carol has made it clear that she loves Akrea very much, but from the beginning she was more attached to Andrei, and that she would defend him until the end of the game. On the other hand, Jessica also tried to show the digital influencer that Gleici wasn’t cooperating much in the latest auditions.
In Elimination Gate, voting was a critical moment among the participants. Jessica made it clear that she stayed in Calango, because it was against two already formed duos: Andre and Carol, and Gliese and Caesar Dadur.
Andre Marquez status Syrian against the wall and questioned the reason for the distance. He just confirmed that he didn’t speak to the personal trainer at camp, and that the connection was only there during the tests. Then she smiled and taunted her colleague saying he had 24 hours a day to talk and he didn’t because he didn’t want to.
The presenter scolded the Calango members, and said that this lack of communication and contact between them was the reason they went through the Elimination Zone so often.
Shortly after the announcement of Glecce’s departure, Carol was crying, feeling that she had been betrayed by her friend, but was ended up being smitten by the other members of the group.
Episode Summary
In the episode, the Calango members quickly overtaken Directed by Arcrebiano de Araujo, or Bil. Caesar Dador found a group of cows near the camp and decided to run after them to get some milk. However, Funkeiro was afraid of frightening the animals and succumbed to the plan.
In Proof of Excellence, Ex BBBs You need to complete the circuit while blindfolded and follow the instructions of a team member. In Kalango, my seatmates instructed his colleagues, and in Karkara, this task was in my hands Paula Amorim. During this activity, Paola was able to convey information in a more objective way, which ensured Karkara’s victory.
Thus, the orange team participants won letters from family members and food, such as brigadeiro and orange. On the other hand, the members of Kalango were angry with the BBB18 champion due to the defeat.
“I don’t think I was bad in any test,” Gleci said. “But in this test, where everyone was counting on me, it was even more frustrating.” Then Caesar decided She undresses in front of Gleesi and Carol, which amuses her fellow tribesmen.
In the immunity test, the celebrity had to shoot As many coconuts as possible in a basket so the opponent can’t bear the weight. Carroll and Glecci did not show a good target in the activity, which made Andre complete the Kalangu test alone. Meanwhile, led by Paula, the Karkara members scored another win in the ring.
The new defeat sparked more friction in Kalango. “Gleici, be patient, huh. I’m not talking to you, no. I’m saying that the technique worked for me and could work with him (Caesar)”, warned Andre during the exchange with Acreana.
Jessica turned to her meme to find strength in the game: “Guys, there’s a phrase I always use: ‘Hold your head up, my princess and your prince, or the crown falls. “Because I play hard.”
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