“We are delighted to reopen Vivarco Fuels today, backed by the Government’s decision to move forward with the commercialization of the E10. And provides economic incentives to sustain nationally. “
These words of Mark Carr, The general director of the AB Sugar Group, is owned by the Vivarco Fuel Company and is located in Hull (UK). In September 2018 They were issued with a closed notice, often cited as “delays in the implementation of E10 in the UK”.
Last weekend, UK Department of Transportation Announced that the E10 compound will be available at service stations in that country from September 2021. Grand Shops, the head of this portfolio, says, “Although more electric vehicles are being operated, there are steps we can take to reduce emissions from the millions of cars already in circulation on our roads, and in that sense a small change for the E10 will help.”
Most cars can use the E10
The ministry estimates that the introduction of the new fuel will reduce carbon dioxide emissions from traffic by 750,000 tons a year, which is equivalent to taking 350,000 cars off the road. They believe that “only a few older vehicles from the Classic and early 2000s will continue to need a lower number of E5 compounds, so their supply will be maintained.”
With this decision, the United Kingdom joins fourteen EU countries in Europe, of which E10 is still available as a fuel at gas stations: Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Slovakia, Estonia, Finland, France, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. Also, two of these, France and Finland, are committed to going one step further and using E85.
2,000 euros in Finland to switch to cars with E85
From the Spanish Bioethanol Association (BIO-E) They recall that France, where E10 is the most popular gasoline blend, has seen tremendous growth in E85 consumption in recent years, which is distributed at one of the four service stations. On the other hand, they claim that Finland recently adopted a law that provides ஓட்ட 2,000 assistance to motorists to switch to vehicles that can run on E85.
In Spain, From January 1, 2020 Once the obligation to possess a safety gasoline expired, it limited the binding of biodethanol at service stations to five per cent, after which such compounds with E10 could be increased to ten per cent. However, for more than a year, gas stations have only been sending E5.
Spain supports the use of E10 without assistance or law
Jose Ramon Freyer, director general of BIO-E, said: “Not only are these fuels heavily taxed in Spain, but EU engines, which can still be used by the Directorate of Public Transport, are flexible fuel motors. There is a paradox that a liquefied petroleum gas vehicle receives an ECO label, but one cannot opt for renewable gasoline made from agricultural products or residues. ”
“By staying away from all government-aided programs, the supply companies are not selling it, the manufacturers are not selling the models in Spain, and the biodethanol sector needs to export it outside our borders,” Freyer says. The last Study of the great economic impact of renewable energy in Spain The Association of Renewable Energy Companies (APPA) clearly demonstrates this export character of the Spanish bioethanol industry
In addition to assistance, APPA Director of Biofuels Manuel Pustos had already warned a year ago that, when safety petrol became mandatory, “additional regulatory measures would be needed to promote E10 petrol in Spain, including those adopted in other countries such as France, Finland, Belgium and the Netherlands”.
“Reader. Infuriatingly humble travel enthusiast. Extreme food scholar. Writer. Communicator.”