Border traffic in London returns to normal after Brexit – Noticeable Televisa

Border traffic in London returns to normal after Brexit – Noticeable Televisa

Flow Commercial transport On the border between UK France has returned to levels similar to those of February 2020, dispelling fears that there will be vehicles after a long time Proxy Or departure from this country European Union (EU), The BBC reported this Saturday.

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Truck transport from the southern district of Kent, which provides access, according to government data found by the public network France By Eurotonal The port of Dover is 98% of this month by February 2020 and 99% of traffic from France.

Although the default is implemented in motion Vehicles Compared to the fall recorded in January, the number of cargoes indicates that 50% of the trucks entering the UK are returning to the EU empty-handed. Export Enjoyed by some British departments.

According to the BBC so far this month, less than 1,000 to 2,000 trucks a day are leaving the UK with cargo, which is plagued by new bureaucratic demands and epidemics.

Sectors most affected by the fall Exports They are, according to this analysis, products of perishable goods such as agriculture and fishing.

According to the General Chain, 80 to 90% of carriers within Kent’s borders comply with the new tariff requirements. Tax Since last January 1, at the end of the interim period Proxy.

In contrast, about 2.5% were unable to cross frontera In February for not submitting proper documents compared to the 8% registered in the first days of the new customs regime.

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With information from EFE.

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About the Author: Morton Obrien

"Reader. Infuriatingly humble travel enthusiast. Extreme food scholar. Writer. Communicator."

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