The Bradesco app was offline for some users on Friday (6). Reports circulating on social media indicate that the bank’s system is unavailable and does not allow access to accounts. Downdetector, which monitors the operation of online services, shows that the outage began around 11:30 a.m. and exceeded 500 notifications at 12:28 p.m. In total, 76% of users who filed complaints are unable to log in, 13% are unable to use Pix, and 12% still have difficulty using online banking in the browser. “The Bradesco app showed moments of interruption and services became normal,” the company said in a note. Below, see more details about the failure.
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And in the tests he conducted TechTudo The error could have been replicated in the bank’s mobile app for Android and iPhone (iOS). A message appears on the home screen saying “Something went wrong, but it will be resolved soon” and asks the user to try accessing the platform later. On another device, the platform also showed the message “The system is currently unavailable. Please try again later.”
The editorial team has contacted the bank to ask about the reason for the failure, and the content will be updated once we respond.
Google Trends, a platform that monitors web searches, recorded a sudden increase in interest in terms such as “Bradesco down today”, “Bradesco disability” and “Bradesco app down today” in the past hour.
Its repercussions on social media
On social media, users are complaining about Bradesco’s work, saying that service outages are common on the fifth working day of the month, when many users receive their salaries. See some posts:
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Nubank, Inter, Neon and more: discover everything about digital banks
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