Poet Bralio Pisa, 35 years old, who participates in “Encontro com Fátima Bernardes”, has been hospitalized due to complications. Covid-19 In Fortaleza, Ciara, since Tuesday (25).
According to a note posted on his Instagram site, the poet felt symptoms related to Covid at the age of 16, and he tested positive for the disease the next day. Last Tuesday, with decreased saturation and feeling tired, he was hospitalized and ended up in the intensive care unit (ICU) as a precaution.
On Wednesday (26), Bisa was discharged from the intensive care unit and was transferred to a bed. According to the memo, his health condition is stable and he is assisted by the medical team.
In the comments of the publications, several characters left messages of support for the artist. He said, “Hope things get better soon, poet!” Silton Milo. a hero BBB21And the Juliet FreireHe said, “It is in my prayers.” Partner program presenter Fatma BernardesHe said, “Everything will be fine! We are with you.”
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