Brazil and the UK unite in the fight against cybercrime

Brazil and the UK unite in the fight against cybercrime

International collaboration between the University of Essex in the United Kingdom and the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA) in Brazil has gained a new chapter with the announcement of a project aimed at improving defense systems against cybercrime.

Led by Professor Haralambos Mouratidis, Director of the Institute of Analytics and Data Sciences (IADS) at the University of Essex, and Cesar Marcondes, Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at ITA, the central objective of the project is to develop a state-of-the-art framework for early detection of cyber threats.

In a joint statement, the University of Essex and the ITA expressed their full support for the Brazil-UK collaboration and were confident of securing funding for this promising research. The plan promises not only significant advances in cybersecurity, but also strengthening response capabilities and greater global cooperation in combating emerging digital threats.

The collaborative work involves extensive analysis of network and system behavioral data, with the aim of creating a system that combines cyber-psychological profiling with behavioral analytics. This approach enables a sophisticated understanding of potential cybersecurity threats.


One of the fundamental aspects of this initiative is the meticulous control and normalization of various data sources, including computer logs and wearable technology outputs, to ensure the consistency and reliability of the data used. At the same time, real-time monitoring systems will be implemented for the continuous analysis of data streams, which will help identify wrong user behaviors that indicate security threats.

Furthermore, the program seeks to iteratively develop and improve interpretable artificial intelligence (IAE) algorithms, increasing interpretability for operators and enhancing decision-making capabilities in complex data environments. One of the focal points of the activity is the dissemination of results and the search for international cooperation, demonstrating a commitment to global dissemination of knowledge and adoption of advanced cyber security practices.

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Cyber ​​security

Sandro Saffert, CEO of Apura, a company that develops advanced cyber security solutions, followed the initiative closely and celebrated his participation in the project, which, in his analysis, will bring many benefits to global cyber security.

“Abura believes that the advances resulting from this international collaboration will be extremely valuable not only for global cyber security, but also for improving our own mechanisms and technologies,” Saffart concluded.

According to Saffert, collaborations allow countries to explore new approaches, technologies and methods, driving innovation and encouraging significant improvements in defense against cyber threats. They also facilitate global talent transfer and cyber security capabilities, better preparing professionals to meet the complex challenges of today's digital landscape.

“International partnerships in cyber security are essential because they provide a collective approach to countering the ever-evolving digital threats. As cyber attacks know no borders, it is essential to join forces to defend against these threats. By sharing information, best practices and technological resources, different countries can respond to security incidents quickly and in a coordinated manner. able to respond proactively and strengthen global cyber resilience,” explained Sandro Saffert, CEO of Abura Cyber ​​Intelligence.

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About the Author: Morton Obrien

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