Brazil in 67th place overall in the tie of vaccines already applied against Covid-19, taking into account the rate of applied doses per 100 inhabitants, which is 52.15, according to data compiled by CNN agency.
Looking at the total doses applied, the country ranks fourth in the list of countries that make up the Group of Twenty, a group of the world’s 20 largest economies. With 110,429,098 vaccine applications, Brazil comes after the United States (331.6 million), India (358.1 million) and China (1.3 billion), all countries with a population greater than Brazil.
Taking into account the G20 countries, Brazil drops to 10th place in the comparison of rates of applied doses per 100 inhabitants, overtaken by Saudi Arabia (54.76), Turkey (66.17), France (84, 59), Italy (90.50), China (93.26) and Germany (95.16), the United States (99.17), Canada (107.81) and the United Kingdom (117.17).
In the past 24 hours, Brazil has applied 847,278 doses of vaccines against Covid-19, ranking 12th in the world ranking. The moving average for the past seven days was 1,339,575 doses, making the country 13th in the global ranking.
The data you collected CNN It was obtained from information disclosed by government health departments and the website Our World in Data, linked to the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom.