1,400 earthquakes shook the place in less than 24 hours (Photo: Disclosure, personal archive)
A city with a population of about 3,000 people in Iceland had to be evacuated last Friday (10) due to a series of 1,400 earthquakes that shook the place in less than 24 hours. Among the residents who evacuated the city of Grindavik was Jessica Costa, a 31-year-old Brazilian who has lived in the city for more than 7 years. The information is from g1.
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Jessica is seven months pregnant, and during the first few shocks, she was attending a baby shower for another friend who was also expecting a baby.
– The tremors started on Wednesday (8) in the early hours of the morning. The danger was that the city would be left without electricity and water. So the initial plan was to have 5 hours to pick up stuff and leave the houses. But the tremors became very strong, and the immediate evacuation order came – Jessica says in an interview with G1.
Jessica says the tremors occurred at intervals of less than 30 seconds. She and her husband hurriedly grabbed clothes and headed to the capital of Iceland, Reykjavik. The couple’s 15-year-old son, Kai, was already in the capital, where the family was staying in an apartment provided by the husband’s company.
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– It was never scary – says the Brazilian.
Danger of volcanic eruption
In a statement published by the Icelandic Meteorological Office (Icelandic Meteorological Office), the country fears the risk of a volcanic eruption: “All monitoring systems are being closely monitored in real time, especially near Grindavik, for any indications of sudden changes,” the memo says.
*Under the supervision of Andrea da Luz
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“Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer.”