Adviser to the Minister of the United Kingdom Embassy in Brazil, Melanie Hopkins, said during a meeting with President Nezia Trinidad Lima, on Thursday (12/8). For a month, the minister visited the institution accompanied by the Consul General in Rio de Janeiro, Simon Wood.
Minister Counselor at the UK Embassy in Brazil Melanie Hopkins visits the Foundation (Photo: Peter Ilyskyev)
“It was very important to come here and sit face to face with these scholars. First steps in partnership [sobre a vacina] It was given during the period of divergence, in what was a historical work. Showing a willingness to partner with various units of the Foundation across the country, Melanie Hopkins said, I am pleased to know that we will continue to work together. “The fact that this is my first outdoor event in Brazil demonstrates the importance of Vuecruz.”
With the help of other members of the Foundation, Nísia provided an overview of how Fiocruz is working in the fight against the pandemic, as well as his performance from Antarctica to Africa, including in his educational role. She highlighted challenges exacerbated by the pandemic and expressed concern about inconsistencies in vaccine access worldwide. “I am proud when they say we are producing a cheaper vaccine. We have spoken to the World Health Organization so that, once the critical stage in Brazil is passed, we can make a contribution at the international level,” said Vuecruz President.
“The fact that this is my first outdoor event in Brazil demonstrates the importance of Vuecruz,” Melanie Hopkins said. (Photo: Peter Ilyskyev)
At the meeting, Marielda Sequeira highlighted the contribution of British institutions and researchers to the development of the Respiratory Virus and Measles Laboratory, headed by the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC / Fiocruz). Part of the Fucruz genome network, the unit receives samples from other countries, such as Haiti and Honduras, as well as participates in the training of foreign researchers.
In the midst of the pandemic, one area in which the partnership between the Foundation and the UK must expand is genetic sequencing, through A new platform for evaluating variables (NVAP). The UK government platform seeks to support other countries in enhancing their genetic sequencing capacity based on existing infrastructure or sequencing and analyzing samples in the UK.
Sue Ann Costa Clemens, coordinator of the AstraZeneca/Oxford Vaccine Research Centers in Brazil, said bringing the study on the Covid-19 immunization agent to Brazil was the “spark” that enabled the process that led to the production and technology transfer of Vucruz. Mauricio Zuma, Director of the Institute of Technology in Immunology (Bio-Manguinhos / Fiocruz), in turn, confirmed that the vaccine developed by Oxford University was chosen because it was the most compatible with the capabilities of the institution and its facilities, in addition to allowing technology transfer and providing a platform that could be used to produce other vaccines. .
Nísia provided an overview of how Fiocruz is doing in the fight against the pandemic, as well as performing from Antarctica to Africa (Photo: Peter Ilicciev)
Cristani Vieira Machado, Vice President of Education, Information and Communications (Vpeic/Fiocruz), noted the role of programs targeting health professionals. About Covid-19 alone, ten courses have been developed that have already trained more than 370 thousand people. Also participating in the meeting was David Brown, a visiting researcher and former director of the UK Public Health Virology Reference Division. Valber Frutoso, Institutional Relations Advisor to the Presidency; and Elka Velardo, consultant to the Center for International Relations in Health (CRIS).
The event also included a visit to the Vaccine Technology Complex (CTV), where the Minister and Consul witnessed the production of the Covid-19 vaccine, accompanied by Carla Franca, Assistant Deputy Director of Production and Head of Packaging. Labeling reaction and by Daniel Godoy, Chief of Staff at Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz.
“The partnership with Oxford is important for Brazil, but it is also important for the UK. It is a pleasure to see the areas of cooperation and that we can expand with NVAP,” the minister said. “We have always said that Brazil has the potential to be a great power in science and we are with you on this.” .