Posted 01/01/2021 6:51 PM / Updated 10/01/2021 6:53 PM

(credit: Marcello Casal JrAgência Brasil)
NS central bank Data leakage reported thousands of Chef’s Beaks Under the responsibility of the State Bank Sergipe SA (Panes). And the autonomy justified, in a memo, Thursday (9/30), that the problem occurred “due to specific failures” in the financial institution’s systems.
According to Banese, the bank’s technical department identified needless inquiries for information related to 395,009 Pix keys, which were exclusively over the phone from non-company customers; It is two bank accounts for Banese users.
However, according to BC, No sensitive data was leaked Passwords, movements or balances in transaction accounts – or other sensitive banking information.
“The information obtained is cadastral in nature, and does not allow movement of resources, nor access to accounts or other financial information,” he said in a note.
According to Banese, however, the Directory of Transaction Account Identifier (DICT), managed by BC and with restricted access to institutions initiating a procedure for executing a transaction by Pix, contains information of a registration nature (CPF, name, bank data and other technical information) .
The Central Bank also informed that the persons who obtained their registration data of the incident will be notified exclusively through the application of their relationship institution. “BC or the participating organizations will not use any other means of communication with affected users, such as messaging apps, phone calls, SMS or email.”
The autonomy concluded the memorandum, saying that it “has taken the necessary measures for a detailed investigation of the case and will apply the sanctions procedures stipulated in the current regulation.”
* Trainee under the supervision of Andrea Castro
“Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist.”