Changes to Sunday and Holiday Working Hours Announced Effective August; Understand

Changes to Sunday and Holiday Working Hours Announced Effective August; Understand

With the imminent entry of Decree No. 3665/2023, who organizes Working on Sundays and holidays from August 1There is a scenario for the ongoing negotiations. According to the Minister of Labor Luiz MarinhoImplementation depends on agreements between trade unions and parliament.

Changes to Sunday and Holiday Working Hours Announced Effective August; Understand
Changes to Sunday and holiday work announced starting August; understand. Photo: Jane de Oliveira/FDR

The ultimate definition of Working on Sundays and holidays It will take several rounds of meetings and discussions before a concrete decision is reached. The proposal was first published in November. 2023requires obtaining permission through a collective agreement between employers and workers.

The backlash from businesses and members of Congress led the government to suspend the measure. Since then, the timeline shows three consecutive postponements of the controversial regulation. Watch:

  • November 13, 2023: The Ministry publishes the decree;

  • November 22, 2023: After Congress repealed the provision, the government suspended the order and delayed its implementation for 90 days, setting a new start date of March 1;

  • February 27, 2024: The government postpones the validity again for another 90 days, setting the start date for June 1.

  • May 27, 2024: Five days before the deadline, the Ministry of Labor postpones the issuance of the decree for another 90 days, setting August 1 as the new date.

Hey Working on Sundays and holidays It lies at the heart of the regulatory review that began during Jair Bolsonaro's government in 2022The legislation then allowed sectors to work on these days without prior negotiation with workers, and only required compliance with overtime standards through a statement.

The measure now under discussion seeks to change this scenario, requiring formal agreements between employers and workers for operations on these designated days. Working on Sundays and holidaysIt was initially scheduled to be organized by August 1and still lacks a formal discussion agenda, he noted. Minister Luiz Marinho.

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The validity of the decree is still uncertain and is subject to agreement between unions and parliament. In the meantime, employers and workers are waiting for a clear and specific definition of this crucial regulatory issue.

Working on Sundays and holidays is in conflict with the proposal to reduce working hours.

Reducing the working day is a key topic in discussions about changes in Brazil. A federal government proposal, due in 2024, seeks to implement a measure that allows for reduced working hours without affecting the minimum wage.

The plan aims to provide greater flexibility for workers, especially in the financial sector. The reduced working hours represent a significant improvement in the work-life balance for workers.

Through this initiative, there is a possibility to reduce the working day to four days, breaking the traditional five-day cycle. The proposal aims to meet the demands and needs of workers more effectively.

The idea of ​​implementing a reduced working day brings with it the need for a unanimous agreement between the employer and the employee. Approval of this proposal is intended to ensure that the change in work dynamics is implemented in a consensual manner.

It is important to note that despite the possible reduction in working hours, maintaining the value of the minimum wage is a basic guarantee to protect purchasing power and preserve the financial conditions of workers.

The effect of minimum wage on reducing working hours

The proposal to implement a reduced working day, while keeping the salary unchanged, brings with it optimistic expectations for the minimum wage in 2024. During the election campaign, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva pledged to implement annual increases in the minimum wage until 2024. The minimum wage until the end of his term.

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The goal is to prevent the minimum wage from reaching R$1,421, taking into account the current value of R$1,320. These measures aim not only to preserve workers' purchasing power, but also to promote a significant improvement in the quality of life, contributing to a more equitable economic scenario.

The minimum wage increase in 2024 is conditional on the federal Senate approving the annual budget bill, a crucial step to setting a new minimum wage across the country, strengthening workers’ livelihoods, and promoting a more equitable distribution of income.

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Laura AlvarengaLaura AlvarengaLaura Alvarenga

Laura Alvarenga holds a degree in Journalism from the Centro Universitário do Triângulo in Uberlândia – MG. She started her career in communication consulting, spent a few years working in small local print newspapers, and is now committed to a career in online journalism through the FDR portal, where she researches and produces content on economics, social rights and finance.

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