Since July 1, the US giant Google Drive’s cloud data storage service has begun to limit the space that users have to store their photos and videos. right Now The Google It offers 15GB of storage space, split between Drive files as well as Gmail.
With the news, many Google users, who also own the Android operating system, the world’s most used on smartphones, found themselves in trouble, or ended up hiring some Google Drive storage packages.
But if you’re about to run out of drive space and have plenty of space left in your wallet, here are some tips for trying to free up space on your cloud storage. Check out some:
What is taking up the most space in your Drive account
Few people know exactly which files are stored in the Google cloud. Maybe your drive is full of old photos, or audio videos that are no longer worth keeping, are useless, or can be too HD, instead of taking up space in a service that needs to be useful back in the day. to today.
So, advice: google chart access It tells you how much storage space you have. It’s the first step in learning how to manage your Google Drive space.
Delete what is not needed
Unimportant photos and videos that you may not know because they are in the cloud can be deleted and make way for more recent files that should be easily available in your daily life.
Looking at what takes up space, you can see that even Google Sheets and Google Docs files, if they’re used too often or too big, should be out of the cloud.
But the focus should be on the heaviest files: high-quality audio files, videos, and photos.
Disable automatic phone backup
Probably most of the heavy files that fill your Google Drive are old photos and videos from mobile phones that haven’t been around in your life for a long time. The villain in this dynamic is usually automatic file backup, which saves your documents without you even realizing it.
On your mobile phone, open the Google Photos app, and select the “Google Photos Settings” gear icon. Then tap Backup and sync and disable the switch if it’s on.
Modern cell phones tend to have high-resolution cameras, which often means heavy photos of food dishes and unnecessary selfies cluttering your drive. Only leaving these files on the mobile device can help.
Clean up your Gmail
15 GB of free Google Drive also includes Gmail. It is very common for emails to accumulate in the service, and of course it takes up space in the cloud that can be better used.
So this might be a good time to do a cleanup of your Gmail that has been delayed for months – or years.