a Anatel Thursday (4) the first day of the 5G technology auction, mobile Internet, concluded. The three largest telephone companies operating in the country were given the major stake offered.
On the last day of his term, Anatel President Leonardo de Moraes opened the opening ceremony in the presence of the President. Jair BolsonaroHe drew attention to the size and importance of the largest auction in the history of telecommunications in the country.
“If 4G changes people’s lives, 5G will reshape society and production environments. It is not just another 1G, but we are talking about an umbrella that includes and takes advantage of many technologies. It is not just about acceleration, as happened in the transition from 3G technology to 4G.” The transition to 5G is a catalyst for innovation and new technologies using artificial intelligence, robotics and virtual reality,” explains President of Anatel, Leonardo Euler de Maurice.
Following the ceremony, the board members opened the envelopes with the companies’ presentations sent in real time. Qualified companies began competing for the available pieces.
Anatel introduced four frequency bands, divided into national and regional groups. They act as “over the air” routes for data traffic. Through these bands, 5G Internet will arrive, which can reach speeds of up to 20 times faster than the current speed. Operators will explore these frequencies for up to 20 years. The new technology will arrive in capitals by July of next year and in all Brazilian cities – in an amazing way – by 2029.
The federal government estimates that at least R$3 billion has been raised through the auction, and according to the rules, operators will also have to invest more than R$46 billion in the coming years to make many improvements to the country’s web.
These analogs differ according to the given frequency range, for example:
- Bringing the Internet to 31,000 kilometers of federal highways. As a result, all federal roads will become Internet-enabled;
- Take 4G to 95% of urban areas of municipalities where this service is not available;
- building a special communications network for the federal administration;
- installation of fiber-optic cables in the Amazon across rivers;
- Take the Internet to all primary schools – this investment should be R$7.5 billion.
The Minister of Communications, Fabio Faria, said that Brazil will be the first country in Latin America to possess this technology, which will allow increased use of the Internet, even in the most isolated regions. According to the minister: Currently 39.5 million Brazilians do not have an internet connection.
It will be the largest auction ever in Latin America. It will be, just behind Pre-Salt, the second largest auction in Brazil’s history. This will make us able to provide internet to Brazilians who do not have, villages and schools, the transition from 3G, 4G to 5G, federal highway coverage, the Connected North, the Connected Northeast, and two areas of the largest digital desert,” he said.
By the end of the day, 26 pieces had been sold in three frequency bands.
a Winty II Telecom, which is not yet operational in Brazil, was left with the 700MHz band. In the 2.3GHz band, five companies – Algar Telecom, Claro, Brisanet, Tim and Vivo – won regional shares, which will provide 5G in selected regions.
The national lots, in the 3.5GHz band, which are considered the most important in the auction because they cover the entire national territory, were held by the country’s largest telephone operators: Claro, Tim and Vivo.
Five groups – Algar Telecom, Brisanet, Cloud2U, Consortium 5G Sul and Sercomtel – won plots of land in this range. Four decades were not interested.
After the auction closes, Anatel will decide whether to bid in the future or not. And on Friday (5), corporate bids for 26GHz bands will open.