Confirmed cases of a double delta variant in the country

Confirmed cases of a double delta variant in the country

Brazil has reached 570 confirmed cases of people infected with the delta type of the new coronavirus. The balance of the Ministry of Health data calculated as of the current Tuesday 10. The figure is 98% higher, almost double, compared to the balance released last week, which indicates the rapid progress of the strain in the country.

Rio de Janeiro continues to be the state with the most cases of the new strain of coronavirus. Another 12 and the Federal District appear in the list with the cases selected and notified to Vol. Among the records of people infected with the disease, there were 36 deaths in the country, 19 of them in Parana.

So far, the countries that have already been identified are: Alagoas (1), Espírito Santo (7), Ceará (4), Distrito Federal (75), Goiás (10), Maranhão (7 records, six of which are identified in the ship that was in state and 1 traveler case), Minas Gerais (4), Barra (3), Parana (54), Pernambuco (5), Rio de Janeiro (206), Rio Grande do Sul (64), Santa Catarina (34) and São Paulo (96). The survey is carried out through notifications from the state secretariats.

The volume said, through the memo, “The ministry clarified that the cases and their contacts are being monitored by the teams of the Center for Epidemiological and Health Surveillance and Surveillance Information (CIEVS), according to the directions of the COVID-19 Epidemiological Manual.” Health claims to guide states and municipalities on genetic sequencing and immediate notification and tracing and isolation of cases and contacts.

The federal agency also stresses that vaccination is necessary to reduce the epidemiological nature of the covid-19 virus. Saeed advises using a mask and a respiratory tag to limit the spread of the virus.

MPF wants Anvisa to enforce regulatory measures
The Federal Prosecutor’s Office has decided to file a public civil lawsuit to compel the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) to comply with a decision requiring people to be isolated after traveling through South Africa, India and the United Kingdom. The purpose of this procedure is to prevent delta variable propagation.

The attorney general’s office notes that sharing the passenger list with airlines, with a “duty warning of confidentiality of data,” could prevent cases such as the first infection with the delta variant registered in Brazil. The person, coming from India, landed at Guarulhos airport and pledged to comply with the quarantine at the arrival point. However, the traveler continued on his way to Rio de Janeiro on a domestic flight.

The attorney general’s office stated that it held emergency meetings with Anfisa in June “in which the same agency proposed to share with airlines the list of passengers to be quarantined.” “Not only did Anvisa establish that contact would be an essential measure to prevent the spread of the new variant in the national territory of air transport, but also stressed that close contact between the agency and airlines would be a facilitating factor for informing who must comply with the quarantine, thus preventing them from boarding the aircraft during This period,” the procedure highlights.

According to the MPF, the procedure was not carried out. In response to a question from the plaintiffs, the agency said there was no regulatory provision allowing the quarantine list to be shared. For the attorney general, Anvisa will only have to adopt procedures to activate and comply with regulations signed by federal government ministries.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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