Youngest daughter of Angelica and Luciano Huck, Eva celebrated her 11th birthday with a Barbie-themed party. The party was held in the gardens of the Moghaddams Palace, and was attended by famous friends of the artists, such as Carolina Dieckmann and Juliana Silveira, and was distinguished by elaborate and interactive decor, making guests feel as if they were in the doll’s world. This is a style that has been a huge hit among celebrities.
Angelica showed on her social network the details of the party, which included many backdrops for special photos, a dance floor that also follows the theme of the celebration, a camera for taking fun photos, and a cake table, all in pink. In fact, on the cake, there was a small message showing how much the family loved the youngest: “Eva, happy birthday. We love you. Mum and dad, Joachim and Penny.”
For the photo shoot in the themed spaces, Eva wore a light pink and white dress, with high-heeled sandals on her feet. Then, to enjoy the party more comfortably, the girl, who has a closet full of designer looks, donned a shiny set of shorts and a crop top. See photos from the party in the gallery above!
Angelica gives a nickname to her daughter’s party
While sharing the photos with her followers, Angelica revealed the nickname she gave her daughter’s party. He joked: “I want to share with you the joy that was in the movie “EvaWorld”!” He described: “We transformed our space into an enchanted world, where Barbie was king. It was a celebration full of magic, laughter and love. All for her.”
A week ago, on her daughter’s birthday, the broadcaster wrote to her youngest daughter: “Thank you, my daughter, for choosing me to be your mother. I write this with a heart overflowing with gratitude, a smile on your face and tears.” “In your eyes. Because you are passion, joy, sweetness and so much more. I hope you will always be a light, my love. I will be here applauding you and celebrating your achievements! I love you so much!”