Dead stuffed dog turns into a rug in Australia

Dead stuffed dog turns into a rug in Australia

An Australian family has dealt with the loss of their pet dog in an unusual way. They turned the animal into a rug.

To preserve the dog’s characteristics, such as skin, fur, and size, they subjected a golden retriever’s body to the mummification process – the same thing used in bears turned ornaments.

Through Instagram, the company responsible for doing the padding, based in Melbourne, shared a video of the result of how the rug looks. “Lovely golden retriever kept as a fur for his family. Finally ready to go home,” the profile wrote.

The post sparked mixed reactions from social media users. One woman said the rug was beautiful, but she said, “I couldn’t stand the pain of the dog I lost because I’m no longer with us. I lost my dog ​​earlier this year and couldn’t imagine seeing her every day like who-that.”

Others were more direct. “This is scary,” one user wrote. Another man was more daring and shared the desire to do something similar, but with his grandmother.

He said, “I want to do this with Grandma when she dies. It would be nice to pet her while I remember her.”

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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