Did Journal Nacional help elect Bolsonaro? Researcher analyzes political bias · TV news

Did Journal Nacional help elect Bolsonaro?  Researcher analyzes political bias · TV news

Researcher Eliara Santana, who works as a teacher, journalist and linguist, realizes that National Magazine It served as a political tool to help elect Jair Bolsonaro. According to her analysis, since 2015, the news has built a narrative against the PT (Partido dos Trabalhadores), and thus against Luis Inacio Lula da Silva. At the same time, she naturalized the speeches and positions of the current president.

In an interview with TV 247 on YouTube on Saturday (16), the academic gave an example of this movement, attesting to a change in the editorial line of the Globo newsletter. Eliara cited the data in her research on this topic, which was collected in Recently published a book, Journal Nacional: A Political Actor on the Scene.

One example is the September 29, 2018, Saturday edition, when JN took four minutes to cover the “Ele Não” movement, which took to the streets of cities across the country. At that time, hundreds of people were screaming against Jair Bolsonarowho was currently running for president.

Ilara recalls that in the same edition, the news opened another four minutes for an exclusive interview with Bolsonaro, who was leaving hospital after the stabbing incident. The professor explained: “There was a naturalization process for this candidate, who was a homophobic, a sexist, a racist candidate – and as a result, there was a feminist movement ‘To Now’.”

“Then the newspaper comes with an exclusive interview that shows the exact opposite side. In other words, he was talking about his daughter. He cried during the interview. We have this naturalization, the rhetorical construction, the construction of the news as rhetoric, the construction of the story of the candidate’s humanization and naturalization. And at a very important moment.”

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Changing the narrative about Lola

At another point in the interview, Eliara explained that she had noticed, at the same time, a change in rhetoric regarding former President Lula. Before Labor left prison in 2019, contact was made with the aim of strengthening the symbolism of corruption.

In a report dated October 1, 2018, for example, five days before the first round of the elections, the Journal Nacional published a report declaring “in a plea bargain, Palucci says Lula knew of Petrobras’ corruption,” which lasted nine minutes. and middle.

Eliara tells: “The opening is this famous red background, with all this tube in this channel, and then the money explodes. This is a very interesting beginning, because the picture goes on, says the speaker.” “It is a symbolic construct,” he defined.

Subsequently, the teacher showed other examples that the photo was shown in the Journal Nacional, and most of the news broadcasts were positive, separate from corruption. He explained, “The viewer was interrogated. Because the news was positive, the report said that there was no corruption, but the picture to form the news was like this.”

“It was the photo that indicated the idea of ​​corruption, so it was not helpful for the judge to say anything because the photo provided by the Journal Nacional said something else, created other information, or brought to light another aspect of what was brought to light,” he reinforced.

“Even in news that had a positive bias, that no longer brought corruption to the scene, was symbolically marked in the construction of that news, the framing was still corruption. So this background was very clear, it is a very important symbolic construct,” in a nutshell.

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Eliara confirmed that the photo has been in the program since 2015, and that Lava Jato started in 2014. “And [a imagem] It remains until former President Lula is released from prison, then the background disappears,” he recalls. On that day, Journal Nacional changed the narrative and let Lula speak directly, in the speech after his release, without interrupting reporters.

Watch Ilara’s full interview in the video below.

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