When you have money left, the investment that Brazilians remember the most is, without a doubt, savings. However, there are disagreements — and many — about its merits.
On the other hand, the “Beloved of Brazilians” is known for its security and high liquidity (the ability to get money back at any time), however, it provides a low return that does not cover high inflation.
Felipe Bevilacoa, an analyst at Levante Ideias de Investimentos, explains that the profitability of savings can be determined by two arithmetic operations. And who decides which one to apply is the Selic base rate.
Therefore, when the Selic rate is less than or equal to 8.5% per annum, the savings yield is equal to 70% of the Selic rate plus the reference rate (TR), which is calculated by the Central Bank (BC). However, when Selic is above 8.5%, the savings return account changes to 0.5% per month plus TR.
For this year, the analyst says, “given the probability that the exchange rate will remain above 8.5% throughout 2022 — and may also remain at that level next year — we should use the second formula to calculate the interest rate.” saving account “.
3 investments are better than savings
Knowing this, we understand that investors who invest their money in savings miss out on opportunities that arise in fixed income as Selic rate rises. Discover now 3 types of safe investments with greater profitability than savings.
DI Money aims to monitor the CDI rate, which is a tool used loans in the short term between Banks. These funds are considered conservative investments because they offer low risk, as they allocate most of the equity in fixed income securities with an index return on the CDI or Selic rate.
“However, since they aim to follow the CDI, the profitability of these funds is usually much higher than the savings, since the CDI is currently in the 10.65% per annum range, and tends to follow a higher interest rate Selic,” says Bevilacqua.
Certificates of Deposit Banks (CDBs) are another safe form of fixed income investment that offers a better return on savings. When you invest in a CDB, you are lending money to a financial institution that in turn uses the money raised to give it away loans to your customers.
CDBs can be either a fixed rate, with an interest rate specified at the time of investment, or a floating rate, with profitability linked to some index, such as a CDI or inflation. In this investment, investments of up to R$250,000 are covered by Fundo Garantidor de credit (female mutilation).
Another safe and easily accessible investment option is public securities available for purchase in direct treasury. It also provides a more attractive return on savings.
When you invest in government bonds, you lend money to the federal government, which uses these resources to fund its activities and, in return, gives you rewards.
However, it is necessary to take into account the expiration of this application. There are those whose maturities occur on a shorter time horizon, about two years, to those with longer maturities, exceeding 30 years.
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Photo: William Potter / Shutterstock.com