The great WhatsApp allows us to have conversations not only by text. But also through photos, videos, stickers and emojis. By the way, who among us does not enjoy these little animals and their faces? OK, but do you know the true meaning of it, especially the devil emoji?
If our query gives “boom” in your mind, know that this character is really meaningless, neither the head nor the head. After all, where have you ever seen a little purple demon, one smiling and the other angry?
Enough of going around the bush, let’s kill your curiosity. According to some experts, this little devil emoji has something to do with Halloween. Thus it is as if smiling is a “tricks” and anger is a “tricks”. Good, but keep in mind that this is not the norm! Therefore, emojis can indicate something sexier, demonic behaviour, anger and annoyance.
It is important to remember that WhatsApp has more than 1500 emojis, and each of them represents different feelings, emotions or moods. But also, this popular form of communication has been around since the time of MSN, who doesn’t remember emoticons? They were accessible via a computer keyboard, in the good times, right? …
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