Domitilla speculates on Cesar Black’s decision on the Angel contract

Domitilla speculates on Cesar Black’s decision on the Angel contract

Cesar Black He became the protagonist on Saturday, April 8, from the moment he won the Prova do Anjo. He, who had separated the night before from the allies of the Fourth Depth of the Sea and migrated to the desert with his bag and gourd, was the center of his attention. Domitilla Barros.

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The social activist commented with allies that she is sure that “the circus will catch fire” on Sunday, April 9, during the formation of the 13th Paredão of this edition.

“I think it will be as we imagine,” he said. Sarah Allen.

Fredo went to talk to black And he said he wouldn’t vote for me so I wouldn’t take him from VIP to Xepa, because I already suffered a lot in Xepa and he wouldn’t do that thing, he said Domitilla.

Highlighting the nurse’s odd game, Miss Germany continued: “And that I don’t want to talk to him (Fred Nicasio) about voting because they don’t play together anymore, he doesn’t want to talk about it. And I don’t know if he said it or Fred felt it, as if he wanted to give the angel to someone unexpected to change the game more, to end up being a key move, which would lead him, even in this case, to Paredão To get more … “, considers the model.

She continued, “Then I told Fredão that I don’t even want to be involved too much. Fredão had some ideas and I said we shouldn’t talk to him about any of that. Since he’s in Paredão, it’s important for him to move, not because someone said so, but Because he’s a player and he does.”

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Who will win angel immunity?

Despite the speculations and doubts that prevailed among the participants in the confrontation, the necklace he won Cesar BlackThey have no idea where the benefit will go.

This time, Angel is autoimmune, ie Cesar Black Exempt from Paredão. He was sure that he was going to Berlinda by the commander’s indication Ricardo lettuce.

The nurse indicated that it was the punishment of the beast Amanda that it Allen Werley to the wall. Fred Nicasio that it Sarah Allen I was invited to the angel’s luncheon.

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Flavia Sereno

She is a journalist who graduated from Gama Filho University and graduated in Cultural Journalism and Press Relations from Estácio de Sá. It is our established arm in Rio de Janeiro and has been part of the OFuxico team since 2003.

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