“don’t want to be at the party with you”; Pia Miranda fires a popular influencer in the party after discovering differences with Diolane Bezerra

“don’t want to be at the party with you”;  Pia Miranda fires a popular influencer in the party after discovering differences with Diolane Bezerra

TV and celebrities

Bia Miranda is preparing an amazing birthday party and is not invited to a famous influencer at the last minute

Pia Miranda is throwing a birthday party to celebrate her 19th birthday
© Playback / Instagram / @biamiranda – @dra.deolanebezerraPia Miranda is throwing a birthday party to celebrate her 19th birthday

Bea Miranda A birthday party is about to be held, and the former worker has invited notable guests to her celebration. However, the young woman had to deny the influencer through her consultant Jojo Ferrari —after discovering that the muse has differences with Deolane Bezerra – one of Bia’s confidants.

Hey jojo! everything is OK? Unfortunately she has a problem. and the AzzaMiranda Counselor. We need to withdraw the invitation as it has been sent out to many celebrities. However, you and Deolane have a falling out and she doesn’t want to be at the party with you. Unfortunately Deolane is a mother Pia And a very important person for hersaid the counselor in a video recorded by Jojo.

Bia Miranda uninvited Jojo Ferrari from her party through her advisor (reprise / Instagram / @biamiranda)

“I confirmed, confirmed, it’s all right. I got it now, it’s six o’clock in the afternoon, it’s all right, I have a make-up artist ready, and it’s exactly the make-up artist who’s going to do the Pia Also, we arranged to meet at the hotel. Now I don’t understand anything, I’m ready, I bought a gift, I bought clothes, I bought everything, and then now out of nowhere to cancel your invitation? very boringJojo claimed.

The information comes from columnist Adriel Marques, from the Em Off portal. So far, neither Bea Miranda nor Diolane Bezerra They did not give their own version of the story. Both of them have been friends since their participation in the latest edition of the reality show A Fazenda.

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23 years old, from Brasilia, lover of literature, entertainment, music and a fan of Beyoncé. She has spent three years as a writer in the sector and a contributor to DC Communications Vehicles.

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