Dressed as a hot dog, Sidney Magal is first eliminated from The Masked Singer TV News

Dressed as a hot dog, Sidney Magal is first eliminated from The Masked Singer TV News

Sidney Magal was the first unmasked celebrity in masked singer brazil. On Tuesday night (10), he appeared dressed as Dogão, a giant hot dog, and sang Só Pra Contrariar’s Sai da Minha Aba, but didn’t impress the judges.

Even before the mask is revealed The audience had already identified Magal For his voice as well as for the advice he gave at the end of his performance. “I was the ultimate star of a movie written by Paulo Coelho,” the singer said.

In a quick Google search, the mystery was solved: Sydney Magal starred in Amante Latino (1979), written by Paulo Coelho.

on the stage, Ivete Sangalo was stunnedShe saw the singer behind the outfit and wondered why his signature steps were not used in his musical performances.

“I had a goal and that was to deceive the judges and the audience. That was the main reason I entered the program. I am the first-time grandfather of a one-year-old and five-month-old, Maddalena. I wanted this image to stay. For her,” Magal explained in tears.

None of the judges mentioned singer Sandra Rosa Maddalena in their guesses. Eduardo Stirbic is betting that Dougao was singer Anderson Leonardo, the singer of Muligo. Rodrigo Lombardi quoted journalist Marcio Canuto. On the other hand, Taís Araujo thought it was Tiago Leifert, and Simone Mendes nominated Marcio Garcia.

“Sydney Magal from a hot dog sings Alexander Pires. I’m really crazy or he’s already there,” said Stirbich. Doubtful to see the veteran on stage sing One of the National Temple classics.

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In the first episode, only six participants took the stage. He sang Unicorn Shallow and was elected the best participant of the night. Besides her, sunflower and coconut were also among the fortified people.

Arara, Astronauta, and Dogão were the least excited for The Masked Singer audience, and they ended up in the hot seat. The referees’ team chose to save the first two, eliminating Sydney Magall from the match.

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