04/29/2024 – 7:54
Davidwinner ofBBB24“, participated in the program “Domingão com Huck” and spoke about the controversy surrounding his personal life after the reality show. On this occasion, he emphasized that leaving anonymity and becoming a public figure in Brazil was a challenge.
“When we left the BBB, [depois de] We spent three months in prison, which only those who have been through this will understand. I went there with 56 followers and left with 10 million. This was the first bombing he received. “My head started to change, and I was confused and in shock.”
About the controversial end of the relationship with Mani Rigo“, Duffy reflected: “I know that this whole controversy, with everyone commenting on my personal and private life, is just up to me to resolve. I needed some time after leaving the BBB to think about what was happening to my life out here.”
Despite the negative repercussions that caused him to lose followers, the former BBB member is confident in himself. “All this controversy that is happening is gossip to take away my value. I think it's a move: “David has been so successful on the show that we're going to beat him to the ground, leaving him depressed.” They wouldn't be able to take that away from me, because the same strong, well-placed person that I was at the BBB would be here,” he noted.
“If I knock down Goliath at home, I will defeat this giant abroad as well,” Al Bahian concluded.