EBC employees angry with Bolsonaro over Netinho

EBC employees angry with Bolsonaro over Netinho
Singers Netinho and Bolsonaro
Netinho belongs to PL, Bolsonaro . Party
Photo: Reproduction / O Globo

Singer Netinho became the subject of Monday (21) for his participation in “Sem Censura”, on Brazil TV. The episode with the artist is still on the air today and sparked a revolution among the employees of Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC). The musician will run for the position of federal deputy in Bahia for PL, President Bolsonaro’s party.

The servers justified their indignation by making it clear that the artist’s participation would be a form of platform for the head of the federal executive branch. In addition to being a Liberal Party candidate, he received a lot of support from Gayer. The program is shown on public television.

In addition to using a public company to promote electoral rhetoric, officials fear that the EBC will be accused of electoral crimes, because, in a way, it will promote a candidate. According to Electoral Justice, this type of content prior to the campaign period is a crime. In the internal jokes, the servers called the “Without Monitoring” program “With Monitoring” because there were not many guests.

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In addition to Netinho, the president has on his list of supporters a series of names who have had and still have a certain social vision in Brazil. Among them is the former player Romario, the primary candidate for re-election as a senator from Rio de Janeiro.

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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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