TikTok is sued in the UK for collecting personal data from children |  Technique

TikTok is sued in the UK for collecting personal data from children | Technique

A former Commissioner for Children in England filed a complaint last Wednesday (21) against the video platform TikTok, accusing it of illegally collecting personal data from millions of children in…

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Emergency Aid 2021: Caixa pays the first installment to those born in August and Bolsa Família beneficiaries with the last 4 NIS |  first aid

Emergency Aid 2021: Caixa pays the first installment to those born in August and Bolsa Família beneficiaries with the last 4 NIS | first aid

Caixa Econômica Federal will pay, on Thursday (22), the first payment of first aid 2021 for two more groups of workers. Those who receive this time are the recipients who…

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The pandemic is causing a loss of $ 10 billion more than expected

The pandemic is causing a loss of $ 10 billion more than expected

The COVID-19 pandemic is expected to cost airlines $ 10 billion more than previously anticipated. The information from the organization that represents travel companies around the world was presented in…

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Photos of Volkswagen Polo 2022 leaked;  See how it was

Photos of Volkswagen Polo 2022 leaked; See how it was

The day before the official launch, the first photos of the new Volkswagen Polo Already leaked on foreign websites. It is published by vehicles such as Australian Car Advice and…

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In an open letter to the Biden event, Amazon governors present a recovery plan

In an open letter to the Biden event, Amazon governors present a recovery plan

Photo: Thiago Queiroz / Estadau Amazon’s legal rulers On Tuesday evening the 20th, they sent an open letter to the Leaders on Climate Summit, which will begin on the 22nd,…

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Amazon Opens Hair Salon in UK with Look-Predicting Technology |  innovation

Amazon Opens Hair Salon in UK with Look-Predicting Technology | innovation

Amazon on Tuesday (20) announced the opening of a hair salon in London, UK that uses augmented reality (AR) technology to demonstrate Hair Coloring Preview. The wall-mounted tablet computer uses…

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The United Kingdom is assessing the launch of its cryptocurrency to compete with Bitcoin

The United Kingdom is assessing the launch of its cryptocurrency to compete with Bitcoin

On Monday (19 April 2021) the UK Treasury announced that it plans to launch its own digital currency. According to the folder, digital currency will not replace “traditional” money. Studies…

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The dollar reaches its lowest level in a month and cancels the budget hike after the crisis – News

The dollar reaches its lowest level in a month and cancels the budget hike after the crisis – News

a The dollar reached the fifth decline against the riyal This Monday (19), with investors resting with budget rates and a new day of weakening of the US currency in…

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The United Kingdom plans to ban imports of foie gras

The United Kingdom plans to ban imports of foie gras

The president of the French Association of Fua Gras producers said that she was “shocked and angry” that the British government was considering banning the import of this product. She…

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Emergency Aid 2021: Bolsa Família beneficiaries have a new round of payments;  See calendars  first aid

Emergency Aid 2021: Bolsa Família beneficiaries have a new round of payments; See calendars first aid

A new round of payment from Emergency aid 2021 For workers who are part of Family allowance It will take place on Monday (19). Will be credited The first installment…

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