Emergency aid fraud never stops. a Nice It takes a new survey and shows that the bandits that justice sought – and whom the program had already shown illegally receiving aid last year – had released the first batch of new aid, which began to be paid this month.
Among the 11 fugitives mentioned in the May 2020 report, The benefit was released to ten in 2021, even with changes in franchising rules and with fewer people expected. Four of them were caught and are in the process of being arrested.
a Nice It also searched randomly for ten fugitive names in each of the 26 states and the Federal District. The result: all 270 criminals consulted appear to be eligible for emergency aid this year.
In addition, young pirates from the interior of São Paulo have put help where people are in need. The Federal Police found that a group of friends created a computer program that fooled the government system. First, they obtained information from people entitled to assistance and registered on their behalf. Then they received the parcel without justification.
Since December, the president of the group, 19-year-old Joao Vitor Ribeiro, who lives in Tatoi, and his friends have stayed in 21 hotels. Not only was it a dissipation of emergency aid to others, it was also a strategy. According to the investigation, they used the hotels internet to carry out the fraud and made it difficult for the group to locate them.
The Federal Police estimates that the amount transferred by the gang could be as much as R $ 6 million. Last Friday, João and his fellow officer were arrested and 200,000 BRLs were arrested. Investigators found that the youth had sold the computer program and emergency aid stealing strategy to other criminals. In Brasilia, four boys who had bought the software and were using it had already been arrested.
The Ministry of Citizenship stated that it is “working around the clock to improve the aid granting process,” and that “15 large databases are being used to verify those who meet the requirements.” According to the file, “approximately 336 million Brazilian reals were recovered from people who did not meet the criteria.”
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