The commander of the 19th Battalion in Rio de Janeiro banned Lyudmila’s concert at the Tim Music Festival on Sunday (15/5). According to the LeoDias column, the body had claimed the venue had a maximum audience of 60,000 people, so considering the artist’s projection as one of the great names in the music scene today, the audience could be exceeded. absurdly.
We contacted the artist’s advice, who confirmed the information for the column and added that the district’s prime minister’s battalion “concluded that there was no troupe to meet public demand, based on the large audience’s history of the singer’s performances.”
And the singer strengthened, on Wednesday (30/3), her support for the former president
Kehlani and Ludmila in Lollapalooza
In 2012, Ludmilla created a YouTube channel to share her songs and songs with her followers. Introducing herself as MC Beyoncé, in honor of the American singer, Ludmilla has hit the video platform with the song Fala Mal de Mim, which has earned her several invitations to perform funk dances in Rio.Reproduction / Instagram
During her career, Ludmila has performed alongside great names in Brazilian music, such as Gustavo Lima, Anita, Alcion and Marilia Mendonca, for example.Reproduction / Instagram
In 2016, Ludmila sued social activist Val Marchiore after a woman made a racist comment against her. At the time, Val said the singer’s hair “looked like a pompell.” Marchiori was ordered to pay R$10,000 in damages Reproduction / social networks
Ludmila revealed that she does not know Evelyn WrigleyReproduction / Instagram
Read the full statement sent to the column
“We inform you that singer Ludmilla was invited to be on the roster of the TIM Music Festival, an event open to the public, held in Praia de Copcabana, in Rio de Janeiro, but the show did not take place because, according to the production of the same film, the district premier’s battalion concluded that It does not have a band to meet public demand, judging by the history of the singer’s concerts that broke attendance records both at the traditional New Year’s Eve party in Copacabana Beach and at the Fervo da Lud block, which were held in the streets of downtown Rio de Janeiro.”
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