Exclusive: What are the differences between influenza and Covid-19? The doctor explains – Alexandre Jose

Exclusive: What are the differences between influenza and Covid-19?  The doctor explains – Alexandre Jose
Exclusive: What are the differences between influenza and Covid-19? The doctor explains – Alexandre Jose – News from Blumenau and Valle do Itajai

Beginsthe healthExclusive: What are the differences between influenza and Covid-19? The doctor explains

(Reporting by Mauricio Cattani)

Flu or covid-19? The main difference between the two diseases is that they are caused by different types of viruses. Covid-19 is caused by infection with the coronavirus scientifically known as SARS-CoV-2, while influenza is caused by infection with the influenza virus.

Covid-19 can last from two to three weeks, while the flu lasts about 10 days. To eliminate doubt, the best thing you can do is to seek medical attention and get tested to determine whether or not you have the disease, thus protecting those around you.

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In today’s episode of the “Coronavirus: Prevention Can’t Stop” campaign, infectious disease doctor Fernanda Arns outlines these differences between influenza and Covid-19. Watch the video below:

In the next episode, we’ll explain why some people still get tested for the disease even with a dose of the Covid-19 vaccine.

Read more:

Special: What are the symptoms of Omicron that should not be ignored?

Special: Infectious disease specialist explains about vaccination against Covid-19 in children

Exclusive: Is the Covid-19 vaccine safe for children? Explains the world of infection

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"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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