Expert Explains That Black Friday Anxiety Can Generate Obsession

Expert Explains That Black Friday Anxiety Can Generate Obsession

It’s very normal to feel anxious about anticipating discovery good offers On Black Friday, more so when the desired item is a real need. After that it is necessary to have control so as not to lose your hand in the face of promotions and this is not only valid for pocket but for the health.

A study was conducted last Friday by the artificial intelligence company Emotions Meter and identified in users Twitter This anxiety is among consumers’ main feelings about Black Friday, and the closer to the date, the more intense it will be.

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A sense of urgency and the marketing of scarcity are so characteristic of history, they can bring about one obsession: shopping compulsion.

default consumption
default consumption. Credits: Shutterstock

People who fit this profile compulsively buy useless, repetitive, never-used products and are victims of a vicious cycle: “The person realizes that they should not have He has to buy, gets frustrated and ends up wanting to buy more to make up for that frustration.”

Oddly enough, women make up the majority of those who suffer from mania. According to psychiatrist Admoni, these people only realize that they lose control of purchases when they start getting into debt, like blowing up their credit cards. The guideline now is to unsubscribe from all stores that send emails and trusses Inform about promotions. Maniac sufferers should avoid browsing shopping websites.

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Usually we recommend psychotherapy until the person understands the reasons for compulsive spending. In some cases, when we notice that mania is associated with a depressive state, for example, it may be necessary to use medication,” said Admoni of Black Friday.

You are researchers from Albert Einstein University School of Medicine in New York found that families of compulsive shoppers tend to develop other disorders, such as mood disorders, eating disorders, and substance abuse.

On the other hand, Black Friday shopping can play a positive role in mental health, as it is the pleasure of buying the goods that we desire. “When we succeed, the neurotransmitters that provide a sense of happiness and well-being are released. The feeling is normal, as long as it is within the minimal context of reality,” Rios explained.

Watch the signs of mania

  • Lack of financial control: the person starts to buy beyond what he can afford, which leads to financial loss and thus indebtedness.
  • Mystery Shopping: Hiding purchases becomes a habit, as a person knows that others will criticize their purchase of goods without the slightest need.
  • Frequent or Never Used Pieces: When you buy clothes or shoes without trying them on, and oftentimes, things are almost the same, because you don’t even remember what’s in your closet.
  • Abstaining: Extreme anxiety and mood swings, the symptoms of abstinence can be similar to those of chemical dependence, causing hopelessness and loss of self-esteem.
  • Guilt after the purchase: When the luxury ends, there is a feeling of powerlessness due to the lack of control over the purchase and the cycle of “mourning for pleasure” appears, as a distorted view of the purpose of the purchase. consumption.
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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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