Families will earn R$150 in their account statement.

Families will earn R0 in their account statement.

As August approaches, many families in Pernambuco are looking forward to receiving the 13th Bolsa Família program. This year, the assistance brings a bigger boost to those who meet the necessary requirements, with each eligible beneficiary receiving a benefit of R$150.

The distribution of funds is carefully planned by the State Secretariat for Social Assistance. This initiative not only reflects the local government’s commitment to supporting low-income families, but also facilitates access to information through updates on social networks – an effective strategy to maximize transparency and understanding on the part of beneficiaries.

Who can get the 13th day of Bolsa Familia?

Hand holding a cell phone with the Bolsa Família logo on it
Photo: Ravapress / Shutterstock.com

To qualify for the 13th place, program participants must have been actively enrolled for at least six months during the previous year, whether consecutively or in parts. This criterion is necessary to ensure that the benefit actually helps those who rely on this financial support to cover basic household expenses.

Discover the payment schedule:

The Pernambuco government has already announced that payments will follow the usual Bolsa Família schedule. The dates run until the end of August, and are organized according to the last shekel (social identification number) of each beneficiary:

  • Shekel ending in 1: August 19
  • Shekel ending in 2: August 20
  • Shekel ending in 3: August 21
  • Shekel ending in 4: August 22
  • Shekel ending in 5: August 23
  • Shekel ends in 6: August 26
  • Shekel ends in 7: August 27
  • Shekel ends in 8: August 28
  • Shekel ends in 9: August 29
  • Shekel ending in 0: August 30

How do you check your eligibility for the 13th place?

To obtain the certificate of eligibility for the 13th Bolsa Família, beneficiaries can consult the Sefaz de Pernambuco portal or use the Caixa Tem application, available for both Android and iOS. In this application, you can directly access the payment statement and check if the additional amount has been included for the month of August.

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Thus, Measure 13 of Bolsa Familia not only provides important financial support to those who really need it, but also demonstrates the effective management of social inclusion in the state of Pernambuco. This initiative is further evidence of the vital role that social assistance programs play in combating poverty and promoting equity.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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