Farm creates a group to discuss tax reform

Farm creates a group to discuss tax reform

Imperator / Renato won

The group's goal is to discuss the effects of tax reform on the tourism sector

The group’s goal is to discuss the effects of tax reform on the tourism sector

a Ministry of Finance He suggested setting up a working group with members of Brazil’s tourism trade, Imperator and the Ministry of Tourism to study the effects tax reform in the tourism sector and identifying a proposal to be put to public debate on the draft amendment to the Constitution (PEC 45/19) in the Senate.

The definition took place on Thursday (3) after a meeting explained by the President of Embratur, Marcelo Frixo, with the Extraordinary Secretary for Tax Reform, Bernard Abbey, and members of the tourism trade. Tourism Minister Celso Sabino also participated in the meeting.

Minister Celso Sabino took office yesterday and we are already here at the Ministry of Finance to discuss tax reform with the tourism sector. We advocate for tax reform, it’s key, but we know that this sector, especially after the pandemic, needs more care,” Frixo said.

to me Minister Sabino, it is necessary to think of tourism as a tool for the country’s economy. “We left the meeting with a positive result,” he said.

According to the text approved by the Chamber, only part of the trade is considered at a discount: hotels, bars and restaurants, amusement parks and regional aviation. Airlines (except regional), travel agencies, exhibition and event companies, and private transport companies are excluded. The motion is now pending in the Federal Senate.

“We have to listen to all sectors involved democratically, so that tourism does not stop generating jobs and income as it does. Freixo highlighted that in the first half of this year alone, international tourism in Brazil moved more than R$15.3 billion.

At the meeting, the Extraordinary Secretary to tax reform From the Ministry of Finance, he explained that the tax reform will have a positive impact on family income, and thus the demand for services – such as tourism – will increase. “By creating this working group, we can discuss it more technically. Understand how taxation is happening today between the different agents in the sector and discuss what the demand is technically, so we can move forward,” said Abiy.

Associations and companies representing tourism participated in the meeting: Abav, Abracorp, Air Tkt, Braztoa and Clia Brasil, as well as BeFly, CVC Corp and Decolar.

We want to come to a common denominator. The chain is conducive to the development of the country and we need to work together to bring more and more foreign tourists to Brazil, said Magda Nassar, President of Abav Nacional.

travel agents And the operators are the developers. We sell tourism abroad and reach consumers directly. So, we’re calling for our entry into tax reform, as we quickly create jobs and income. “Tax reform is important for Brazil’s growth,” said CVC founder Guilherme Paulus.

The expectation is that the technical staff is on Tax reform in tourism Its first meeting will be held next week at the Ministry of Finance.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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