By Mauro Nascimento en Katholikos website
Father Julio Lancellotti, during Mass in the University Chapel of São Judas Tadeo, in Moca, revealed something surprising about singer Rita Lee, Sunday morning (14). According to the priest, instead of making money with his symbolic clothes, Rita Lee chose to donate them to him.
But the most impressive thing doesn’t stop there: Padre Julio didn’t just sell the clothes, he delivered them directly to the homeless in the area. According to Al Denny, recipients were thrilled and proud to receive the clothes of a celebrity like Rita Lee.
In times when solidarity is absolutely necessary, the attitude of Rita Lee and Father Giulio Lancelotti is an example to follow. It is possible to help others in different ways, and donating clothes was one of them.
Father Julio Lancelotti, known for his work helping the homeless in São Paulo, has received many donations from celebrities and public figures, ranging from clothes to food and money. The priest’s initiative is a breath of hope in the midst of the many challenges that society faces.
Rita Lee’s position shows that solidarity has no borders and that helping others can come from different places and people. Handing out clothes to the homeless is a way to ensure that these valuable pieces are used by those who really need them.
The story revealed by Father Giulio Lancelotti in Sunday Mass shows that small actions can make a difference in the lives of many people. And that, even in times of uncertainty and difficulty, generosity and solidarity can transform the world into a better place for everyone.
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