Find out how long is allowed in Brazil

Find out how long is allowed in Brazil

When they reach the age of 60, Brazilians enter a category bigEnjoy benefits such as private parking spaces. However, when it comes to driving, the question arises: is there an age limit? Let's explore what Brazilian legislation defines on this topic.

Age and driver's license renewal: direct contact

The Brazilian Traffic Law (CTB) does not set a maximum driving age, but as drivers get older, traffic agencies become more vigilant. Renewal of the National Driving License (CNH) is becoming more frequent and varies according to age group.

From age 50, renewal must be done every five years. For those over 70, the validity is shorter, up to three years. On the other hand, drivers under the age of 49 have the authority to renew their driving license every 10 years. This process is not just bureaucratic, it is a crucial measure to ensure road safety.

Medical examinations and evaluations: ensuring physical fitness to drive

a Driving license renewal After age 60, it involves more frequent medical examinations and evaluations. The National Traffic Council (CONTRAN), through Resolution No. 425, delegates the responsibility for certifying the fitness of older drivers to health professionals.

The tests cover aspects such as physical condition, hearing, vision, mobility, cognitive ability, motor coordination, muscle strength and sensitivity. Specialists from clinics of the State Traffic Department (Detran) assess whether the driver is fit to continue driving.

Restrictions and prohibitions: ensuring road safety

The medical evaluation not only determines the validity of the driving licence, but may also lead to restrictions on the National Driving License Register (Renach). If there is evidence of a physical or mental disability, or the development of diseases that may affect the ability to drive, the validity of the driver's license may be reduced.

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Health professionals have the authority to impose specific restrictions on Reinach, prohibiting, for example, driving in situations that require efforts beyond the driver's capabilities. These measures aim to ensure not only the safety of the driver, but also the safety of everyone who shares the road.

Therefore, although there is no specific age to stop driving, the process of renewing your driving license after the age of 60 becomes a more careful and strict step. a legislation This initiative aims not only to regulate, but also to ensure that elderly drivers are fully able to get behind the wheel, and to enhance traffic safety.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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