According to the federal government, no more than 320,000 workers have been laid off Late payment PIS / Pasep For 2019. The Forgotten Values issue began on March 31, 2022.
R$ 208 million was paid between July 2020 and June 2021, but the workers did not get it back. The resources are for those who did not withdraw the 2019 base year benefit during the original calendar, with payments due in 2020.
How to check the PIS / Pasep Allowance
to receive the corresponding amount of PIS / Pasep allowance in arrearsThe worker needs to submit an application to the Ministry of Labor and Welfare.
As initially reported, money is paid to those who have not withdrawn the 2019 PIS / Pasep allowance. For this, a person must comply with the rules below:
- Have a minimum wage of a maximum of two (on average);
- have worked in 2019 under an official contract for at least 30 days;
- Register with Rais or e-Social;
- Be registered with PIS or Pasep for at least five years.
Consultation can be done online, along with a business card application (Android or iOS) or call 158 (Hello Worker).
Forgotten PIS/Pasep Allowance: How to Apply?
According to the rules of the wildcard, the PIS, Intended for workers in the private sector, it must be transferred through Caixa Econômica Federal. Funds can be withdrawn at a bank branch, or through Citizen card.
If the worker already has an account with Caixa, the amount will be deposited there. Which Doubts about the allowance for PIScall the Caixa Call Center at 0800-726-0207.
Pasep funds are paid by Banco do Brasil, intended for public servants, automatically. Thus, the worker can withdraw money through an ATM. Questions can be resolved by calling 0800-729-0001.