Foreigners face difficulties in pursuing higher education in the UK

Foreigners face difficulties in pursuing higher education in the UK

The United Kingdom, which will officially leave the European Union in 2020, is suffering from inflation, which has pushed up the cost of maintaining their studies for students from other countries to R$268,000 a year.

Quality education

The United Kingdom excels in terms of teaching quality. According to the QS World Rankings, it has the second highest number of Nobel Prize winners and four of the world's top ten universities.

This makes it an attractive educational destination for students from all over the world. However, government restrictions on Prime Minister Rishi Sunakvem and high inflation make it difficult to achieve these goals.

Changes were made

There have been significant changes to student visas, making it harder for foreigners and their families to stay and work. After completing your studies, you can stay in the country for up to two years, but without the right to claim it from relatives or dependents.

Another obstacle is the disparity in what British and expats pay. Natives pay a maximum of R$63,500 per year due to a ceiling established by the government, while foreign students can spend up to R$268,000 per year, excluding housing, food and transportation costs.

Immigration policies also underwent changes. From January this year, the British government has revised the value of the standard visa to the equivalent of R$7,000. The justification is to prevent students from using their visas to legally work in the country.


The Enrollee platform is used as a means of applying to British universities and has seen a 57% decline in student enrollments by May 2024, and a 6% drop in student visas by March 2024.

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Oxford, the prestigious British university (Photo/Reproduction: Laurentiu Robu/Pexels)

This whole situation has created doubts regarding education and employment, especially for the youth below 25 years of age.

The current situation discourages new candidates, indicating a decline in the interest of overseas students as an educational destination in the United Kingdom.

Publication date: 06/28/2024 21:46

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