Formula E makes new adjustments and ends track for London eP ‘Indoor’

Formula E makes new adjustments and ends track for London eP ‘Indoor’
It took a while, but Formula E is back in London

It took a while, but Formula E is back in London

Photo: Reproduction / Formula E / Grand Prix

It took a while, but my “inside me” at the London eP is finally gaining a trace of reality. Formula E and the FIA ​​(International Automobile Federation) have reached an agreement on the final version of the track, which will partly take place inside the convention centre.

The original version of the track was released in 2019 to be part of the 2019/20 calendar, but it still needs final permission from the FIA. As the pandemic has led to the cancellation of the eP, a final decision has only been made now, a few weeks before the London race.

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Above, the original design of the London eP.  Below, has been modified

Above, the original design of the London eP. Below, has been modified

Photo: reproduction / grand prize

The changes, revealed by The Race website, mainly occur on the second sector of the track, where a series of hairpins has been reversed. In the third set, one set of medium speed curves was replaced with a longer straight one, followed by another haircut. The pit lane is also changing: Originally slated to be outside ExCeL London, the section is now inside, as is the main straight.

The track at ExCeL London will end the UK’s felt absence from the FE calendar. London hosted races in 2015 and 2016 at Battersea Park. Since it was a garden path, bureaucratic problems made sequencing impossible in the following years.

Barring last minute vicissitudes, the London Electronic Conference will be held with the public in attendance. This was already the case in Monaco and Puebla ePs, benefiting from a progressively better position in the fight against Covid-19.

The London eP Race will be a double round, with races on July 24 and 25. Prior to that, FE holds eP cards in New York on July 10 and 11.

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About the Author: Lizzie Gray

"Lifelong web fan. Incurable internet junkie. Avid bacon guru. Social media geek. Reader. Freelance food scholar."

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