Fortaleza Bilingual, US Consul General visiting from Recife

Fortaleza Bilingual, US Consul General visiting from Recife
Fortaleza Bilingual, US Consul General visiting from Recife
Mae Baptista visited the bilingual embassy this Wednesday (16/08).

This Wednesday (16/08) the Fortaleza Bilingual Project, hosted by the Fortaleza City Hall, received a visit from Mae Baptista, Consul General of the US Embassy in Recife, and Jeffrey Lodermeier, Consul General for Journalism, Education and Culture. From the Director of the US Space Program for Brazil and Paraguay, Sylvie Young and Cristina Borges, from the Federal University of Chile (UFC). The delegation was welcomed by the Science, Technology and Innovation Foundation (CITINOVA) Vice-President Victor Macedo and program coordinators Aina Brando and Hugo Holland.

“It was a pleasure to receive the Consulate and to present the program and to hear the ideas and partnership ideas that will expand the access and experiences that Fortaleza bilingualism can offer to the citizens of Fortaleza,” says Ianna Brandão.

According to him, the visit is part of the relationship work that the Fortaleza Bilingual Project is doing with foreign governments, with the aim of expanding cultural ties and mutual opportunities. In July, the project received representatives from France and the United Kingdom.

“We understand that one of the main centers of the project is the cooperation, partnership, especially with embassies, foreign companies, to strengthen and bring this bond with other cultures, other languages. One of the goals of Bilíngue is to make Fortaleza a city open to the world, a city that connects with the world. And, In this sense, these partnerships are fundamental”, highlights the Vice President of Ctinova.

Fort Bilingual

The Fortaleza Bilingual Program was launched on July 6 of this year by Mayor José Sarto, and every month, in-person and online classes are offered to people of all ages. All courses are free.

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The project is coordinated by the Foundation for Science, Technology and Innovation of Fortaleza (Citinova) in collaboration with Imbar and in addition the Municipal Secretaries of Education (SME), Economic Development (SDE), Tourism (Setfor), Youth (Sejuv). Office of Corporate Affairs.

Fort Bilingual
Location: (Bilingual Embassy – Av. Padre Antônio Tomás, 610 – Aldeota)

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About the Author: Morton Obrien

"Reader. Infuriatingly humble travel enthusiast. Extreme food scholar. Writer. Communicator."

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