Posted 2/23/2020 11:30 PM / Updated 2/23/2023 11:35 PM
(Credit: Disclosure/Rede Globo)
Fred Nicasio, Domitilla Barros, and Gustavo Cowboy are on the sixth wall of BBB23. The three of them ended up in the hot seat in the Lightning dynamic as the leader and wall coaching tested the same night.
Sarah Allen won the leader’s race and won a prize of R$10,000. In the VIP formation, Sara had four bracelets and chose Ricciardo, Marvella, Gabriel Santana and Fred Nicasio.
It should be noted that Gustavo, Key Alves and Gabriel Santana were unable to participate in the race as a result of the resistance dispute the previous week.
Fence formation
The Lightning Wall Formation did not have any angel and went straight to nominating the leader, with Sarah Kara de Sabato chosen.
After that, the fighter had the right to counterattack and chose Fred Nicasio.
After that, Tadeu Schmidt asked the participants to go into the room where the vote took place in the House of Representatives – which opened this week.
The chosen one was Domitila Barros, with 5 votes. However, The Wall will be contested by Cara de Sabato, Fred Nicasio and Domitilla Barros.
However, given the dynamics, MC Guimê, who assumed supreme power, could choose any of the three trapped and replace them with another participant. He chooses to remove Cara de Sapato from the wall, and replace it with Gustavo, the cowboy.
Thus, Fred Nicasio, Domitilla Barros, and Gustavo are right on the wall. Elimination will take place on Saturday (25th).
Still in BBB turbo week, Big Fone will play a second time, with the powers to grant immunity to whoever answers, as well as ensuring the power to nominate someone for the next wall, which will be formed on Sunday (26).
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