Free event and course on blockchain, Web3 and cryptocurrency unites Skate legends and cryptocurrency enthusiasts

Free event and course on blockchain, Web3 and cryptocurrency unites Skate legends and cryptocurrency enthusiasts

Next Tuesday, August 29, at the MAAC Hub, an innovation center promoting new technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, NFT, Blockchain, Metaverso, among others that are part of Web3, located in São Paulo, Societies and Metaverses Lecture with Legendary Skier Bob Burnquist, Greatest medalist in X Games history, with 30 podium finishes, and 10-time World Ski Champion.

In the lecture, the greatest skater in the history of Brazilian sports will share his thoughts and insights on the emerging concept of metaverse. It will highlight how the shared virtual world is redefining human interaction and creating opportunities for expression, communication and even entrepreneurship.

“SP Crypto Hub is a very important opportunity to connect people. Listing events have a great opportunity to reverse the shift and connect people to many things we haven’t seen yet,” highlights Bob.

Burnquist’s first contact with the cryptocurrency world took place in 2017. When he invested $2,000 in bitcoin on the recommendation of American friends.

After studying the capabilities of Web3 and non-fungible tokens, the skater released a set of NFTs titled “Burnquist Gold” in October 2021. In early June this year, at the NFT.Brasil event, Bob Burnquist officially launched his collection of NFTs in partnership with the brand Reserva.

“Bob Burnquist’s talk about transformation is further evidence of how this trend is gaining ground in a variety of industries and being explored by people from different backgrounds.” As the concept of the Metaverse evolves, influential figures like Burnquist provide valuable perspectives that help shape the future of this digital environment. new innovations, challenging us to rethink what is possible and embrace the next frontier of human interaction”, confirms Marco Afonseca, Director, Metaverse. MAC Center.

In addition to a lecture by Bob Bernquist, which will include Bruno Roy, founder of Brainzz Co.; Fernando Souza, BizDev of the MAAC Hub and author of Metaverso e Web 3.0; SP Crypto Hub 9th Edition will be promoting the “Yoga and Mindfulness in the Metaverse” lecture, with Raissa Aho, Mindfulness Counselor, Physiotherapist and MSc in Neuroscience, Human Development and Interaction Therapy from IMTTA-Australia.

“Mental Health and Web3”, with Raisa Aho, Founder, Metamind Corporation; Gabriela Radianti, Founder, Sinapse Collab; Tatiana Nygaard, from the Instituto Rais de Venus, is also on the agenda. To talk about “Blockchain and Big Brands,” Carol Fernandez, Cryptocurrency and Web3 Specialist and Carolinvest Podcast Host; Nay Neto, Latin American and Brazilian leader in Uplandme.

The talk on “NFTs x Real World Application” will be with Arthur Packham, CEO of and Ambassador of the Algorand Foundation. After the lectures, the traditional happy hour with communication is held. SP Crypto Hub is non-profit and places are limited.

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Free course

Those who pass the Sonica platform at the Startup Summit, between August 23-24-25, in Florianópolis (SC), will be able to register for free training in the Web 3.0 Acceleration Program – with content based on blockchain technology that prioritizes the use of decentralized systems and savings through Tokens and NFTs.

Sonica’s training started at the Startup Summit and will be carried out throughout September, with certification for those who want to introduce a series of Web 3.0 services, including launching NFT pools, community token generation and loyalty token programs, in addition to other benefits that will be disclosed during the programme.

“We will provide training with Web3 experts who will deliver impactful content, such as campaign development for digital marketing NFTs, asset tokenization, token communities, and DeFi (decentralized finance),” says Alexandre Adolio, CEO of Sonica.

Among the content already selected, the Web3 accelerator will include Felipe Cabral, from Banco Aberto, who will talk about coding assets; Alexandre Adoglio, from Sonica, working on Web3 and applying it to digital marketing; Tiago Montero, Guild Mage from Polygon Labs, who will talk about managing tokenized communities; and Giovanna Simao, House of Das Minas, on investments in cryptocurrency and decentralized finance. More content will be released over the coming weeks.

Participation in the program is completely free. Certain selection criteria will apply, and approved participants will receive an NFT that will give them access to the training.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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