In Minas Gerais and throughout the country, the Free Health Conference will present the manifesto for building a 100% public and universal SUS for the community.
The Unified Health System (SUS) has saved millions of Brazilian lives during this pandemic. It continues every day to save. Now, it is necessary to save SUS from underfunding, from privatization, from the fragility of the rights of its workers. It is necessary to build the SUS, which is the basis of the right to life enshrined in the 1988 Constitution.
The Bella Vida Front, the largest Democratic affinity in defense of the SUS since its founding, took shape during the Covid-19 pandemic, as a counterpoint and alternative to the federal government’s denial. It built the National Anti-Covid Plan, which served as a primary reference for states and municipalities and the basis for legality to establish a CPI on Covid in the Federal Senate.
Conferences will be held throughout Brazil and in various areas of performance of the SUS, which will lead to a free National People’s Health Conference to be held on August 5, World Health Day. At the moment, the goals and commitments of the entire construction of the public and global SUS will be 100% delivered to the candidates for the presidency.
In Minas Gerais, on July 16, from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., in the lecture hall of the UFMG School of Medicine, Avenida Alfredo Ballina, 190, the Free and Popular Conference on Health will be held in Minas.
The Free Health Congress is held by the Frente pela Vida, which brings together the main entities of Brazilian sanitation – Abrasco (Brazilian Association for Collective Health), Cebes (Brazilian Center for Health Studies), United Network, Brazilian Society for Bioethics, National Health – as well as a group of Entities and parties in the democratic sphere, such as SBPC, Andifes, ABI, CNBB, central unions and social movements.
Text: Organizing Committee of the MG . Free Health Conference
Photo: Julio Fernandez
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