French right-wing leader calls for historic vote against Emmanuel Macron – Young Pan

French right-wing leader calls for historic vote against Emmanuel Macron – Young Pan

Paris (France) 06/24/2024.- The leader of the far-right French National Rally party (National Rally, National Front) Jordan Bardella holds a press conference before the legislative elections, Paris, France, June 24, 2024. RN and received the highest percentage in France ( 31.5 percent) in the recent European elections, and is now calling for the formation of a national unity government if it wins the early elections called for by French President Macron. Bardella revealed the party's claim that it is ready to rule the country. (Elections, France, Jordan)

Leader right Frenchwoman Jordan Bardella called for a historic vote against the president Emmanuel Macron In the legislative elections scheduled for June 30 and July 7. Bardella, who leads the National Reconstruction Party. Marine Le PenHe stressed the need for large popular participation to express dissatisfaction with the current government. Opinion polls indicate that right-wing parties, including conservatives and the far right, receive about 36%, while Macron receives between 19% and 21%. Elections in France, which occurs in a semi-presidential system, where the prime minister also has an important role. Bardella (28 years old) could become the next prime minister if the right wins an absolute majority in Parliament.


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The French left also formed a coalition uniting moderate and radical parties, with the aim of preventing the advance of the right. The legislative elections in France are held in two rounds, the first within a week, and the second in the first week of July. The outcome of these elections will be crucial in determining whether the last three years of Macron's government will be marked by political impasse if the president and prime minister are from opposing parties. As political polarization increases in France, popular participation in the ballot boxes will constitute a decisive factor for the country's future. Mobilization of voters from both the right and the left can determine the direction of public policies and the stability of the government. It is expected that these legislative elections will be a measure of dissatisfaction with or approval of Macron's government, reflecting the political and social climate that prevails in the nation.

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*With information from correspondent Luca Bassani

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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