The Government of the Federal District (GDF), this Tuesday (29/3), launched a study to analyze the creation of an emergency bonus for public employees working in the emergency service of local public units.
In the case of obtaining a permit from the Ministry of Economy, the new feature will be intended for employees in administration positions, public health care, dental surgeons, nurses, specialists, doctors and nursing technicians in the local network.
According to the Federation of Employees of Health Services Institutions in Brasilia (SindSaúde-DF), the author of the claim, the proposal would correspond to a 20% rate for a servant who meets at least 50% of their weekly workload in activities related to emergency care.
The idea is to learn about the business and encourage servers to perform their duties in emergency care of healthcare for the residents of DF.
“It is important to remember that these professionals work in stressful shifts, which causes physical and mental exhaustion,” explains Marley Rodriguez, Head of Entity.
See the document:
According to her, the initiative may encourage more professionals, such as doctors, to attend emergency units, especially in the far and farthest from central Brasilia, which could reduce evasion and boost work schedules.
In the structure of the health department, emergency care consists of services provided in emergency rooms, surgical centers, intensive care, and maternity centers.
“This bonus will be beneficial to the workers, who will feel encouraged, to the managers, whose schedules will be rearranged, and to the public, who will get more service,” he added.
Last week, SindSaúde also submitted a letter to the Federal District’s Minister of Economy, José Itamar Vitosa, requesting a 10% readjustment to be granted in two installments of 5% over the vesting values currently in effect.
According to the union, the intention is to reset the values between the servers’ education level and their salary. The review will be for occupations in administration and public health care (gaps).
The proposed bill, with justification, was referred to the Head of the Economy Portfolio so that, if approved, it would be referred to the DF Legislature. Then, on the ground, the project will need the approval of Governor Ibañes Rocha (MDB).
The new profession of GAPS was created by Law No. 6.903 / 2021, which modernized the positions of the Department of Health. Category request is to update the salaries of Analysts, Assistants and Technicians compared to servers from other volumes with the same jobs in DF.
According to the document, retirees and retirees will also benefit from the jobs of the new profession, if the law is approved and punished.
For SindSaúde’s president, Marley Rodriguez, it’s only fair that Health Servers have readjusted salaries. “It is worthwhile for civil servants in the administration and public health care profession to have their salaries adjusted by 10%. These workers wait many years for their jobs to be recognized, not just with applause in windows, but with tangible gestures of appreciation that will affect their household incomes, he highlights.
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