Achieve an unprecedented achievement in A professional couple, Georgia and Thiago became for the first time couple strength For the second time in a row. That is, they will not need to leave Power Palace In this course! The couple had the second worst balance on a joint account.
Nina and Felipe, as they already expectedAnd the They were in last place to give up and go to DR. VI, Daniel Hipolito and Fabio Castro; Fifth Renata Dominguez and Leandro Gleria and fourth, Lee Martins and JP Mantovani With just over two minutes.
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The top three places went to Mary and Matthews, who completed the test in 1 minute 59 seconds. Before revealing the winner presented Adrien Galistio He revealed that the difference between the first and second places was only 14 seconds.
Since the two had the lowest balance in the tournament, whoever lost would already be straight into the DR. Deborah and Bruno Take the test in 1 minute 40 seconds and Georgia and Thiago It was made in 1 minute 26 seconds, resulting in victory and sending Couple Phoenix DIRECTLY TO DRAnd the With zero balance.
Don’t miss out on this season and stay tuned Power Couple Brazil in TV Observatory And on our channel Youtube
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