In the xepa kitchen, monsters Arthur, Caio and Gilberto were talking about the Viih Tube Indicator, who would have to place one of the three against a wall.BBB 21 ” (TV Globo). Jill shared with the brothers that the leader had already told him that he was going to put him in a hot seat He praised the position of the sister.
She was so honest, I was happy, she spoke to me. I like it because it’s light.
Arthur and his brother asked, “Did she say she would refer you?”
Yes, we can be fine and be honest with each other.
Previously, Viih Tube said she was feeling very bad for proving this indicationBut I had no choice. “I had no problem with anyone here. I looked bad, and I cried so badly. It must have been the people out there.” Think of that “It’s a drama, but it’s not,” the sister said.
Watch out, punishment is in the area. Remember all ‘BBB 21’ monsters
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The first to be punished for the edition
Granted by Rodolfo, Arthur became a ballerina in the release’s first monster.
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The first appearance of the monster
Bell became a pirate doll.
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The first monsters
Rodolffo starred in BBB 21 as he puts Arthur and Arcrebiano on the punishment of the monster. It was also the first time they even took a joke.
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A flower, a hummingbird, and a second beast
Chosen Carla Diaz Gilberto and Lucas for Monster Two this week. The husband wore flower and hummingbird outfits. Every time the bell rings, they go to the park.
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Do we have a wildflower here?
Gilberto was enjoying the monster, but he was also angry at times …
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Tired bee, we have!
Lucas left the show before finishing his career as a bee. But while it was like that, it was just so much fun.
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Cards in the third monster
Caio won the owners and chose Camilla and Phuk to wear the card game outfits. Whenever the bell rang, the couple went to the garden and stayed there.
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Aquaworda, Camila!
The beast doesn’t live on flowers alone, it sleeps a lot as well. Camila, wake up.
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Get up, look at Phuk’s song
Phuk also had moments of sleep and fatigue during the mission ….
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The beach and the sun in the fourth monster
Look at a sarong, look at a sunscreen, look at a hat. Kayo, the owners again, gave Thaís and Viih Tube the mission to “sell” accessories on the beach, operations … at the 2021 BBB home.
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Biiiiikini, Sarong and Cap
On each sign, the sisters had to walk around to sell their things on the beach.
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Buy a little business, lady?
They got tired, but they also had fun during the weekend.
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Fifth monster: broccoli and chicken
Once again, Kayo as an angel. This time, the beast was delivered to Projota and Pocah. They became food to keep in a lunch box whenever the bell rang.
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Broccoli troubled
Projota didn’t like the costume and complained until the last minute. In addition, the singer has a hipster nickname here: Projócolis.
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Smiling hen
While Projota complained, even Pocah took on the job with humor …
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The sixth monster opens this gate
Arthur was the sixth angel and made a small gift to Fuke and Juliet. The duo needed attention, full time, to a gate in their garden.
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There was even a cry
Phuick worked less than Juliet, but he got VTs. Even the singer cried alone at the gate …
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Chat today
Juliet took advantage of the job to update the entire conversation with the brothers ….
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Seventh Beast: No one is leaving
Brugota imprisoned Sarah and Joao in such punishment. The brothers were chained at all times. It is only released for bathroom and bathroom cabin use.
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One flesh, twin soul …
… the heart beats. Yes, in order for them to sleep together, they needed to sleep.
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What’s the password, Joao?
Do you think it was easy? nothing!
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The eighth monster: fried eggs
Fei Tube, Angel of the Week, chose Arthur and Rudolfo as punishment. The two were wearing fried eggs and at every sound, they had to go to the stove outside.
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Ballerina and eggs
In the first week of the program, Arthur was a dancer and now the Al-Ahly coach is a fried egg.
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Monster debuted
Until then, Rodolfo wasn’t a monster yet. It was the first time that a citizen had played this role.
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The Ninth Beast: Frisbee and ET
Thaís, Angel of the Week, Sara and Gilberto chose to be punished. Jill is dressed as UFO and Sarah is dressed as ET. While playing music on the grass, they were dancing outside. Until the sound stops.
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The Ninth Beast: Frisbee and ET
Thaís, Angel of the Week, Sara and Gilberto chose to be punished. Jill is dressed as UFO and Sarah is dressed as ET. While playing music on the grass, they were dancing outside. Until the sound stops.
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The Ninth Beast: Frisbee and ET
Thaís, Angel of the Week, Sara and Gilberto chose to be punished. Jill is dressed as UFO and Sarah is dressed as ET. While playing music on the grass, they were dancing outside. Until the sound stops.
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Monster X: Caveman
Gilberto and Fuoc, Angels of the Week, Caio and Rudolfo chose the caveman costume. When playing music on the grass, they would dance outside until the sound stopped.
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Does the plant do that?
Pocah and Arthur serve the monster penalty and must occupy the designated area at all times. Angel João Luiz was responsible for the nomination.
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Who should the Viih Tube Leader refer to for the Sea Wall?
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