How to promote sustainable growth in Southeast Asia? Climate Science, a global climate science education volunteer organization based in the United Kingdom, raises questions for young people between the ages of 14 and 25 in the final stages of the Olympics. Authors of the 50 best answers, including doubles and individual contestants, were invited to the awards ceremony at the Climate Summit (COP-26) in Glasgow. Eight are Brazilian students; And two teams from across the country were in the top ten.
The competition, which was held for the first time, was attended by more than 12,000 people from 149 countries. In total, 2,229 Brazilians participated in four qualifying stages. For about ten months, young people had to think of solutions to climate change and defend them to an arbitral tribunal of experts. The final stage was determined by the big names in science, such as Renate Christ, former secretary of the United Nations Climate Change Committee (IPCC). The award was presented by Jane Goodall, a pioneer in the study of chimpanzees and an environmental activist.
Concrete proposals
Brazilian youth also point out the urgency of tackling the causes and impacts of climate change. Also: They have definite plans.
“The Olympics show that young people are really thinking about solutions,” says 21-year-old Carolina Diaz, a political science student at Pamba Federal University (UNIPAMA). At the start of the competition, his partner, Francis Andrade, 26, of Cherkasy, who holds a master ‘s degree in forestry from the Federal de Viso, was in the top 10 when he proposed an adaptation plan with sustainable development.
For 17-year-old Mariana Kamarko, the award shows they are “on the right track.” To come to the final, he played with 17-year-old Rafael Cordani; Both are 3rd year of high school at Colégio Santa Cruz in So Paulo. The duo’s plan talks about energy and anti-deforestation action. For energy, hydroelectric and solar sources, floating panels (in water treatment plants or on the surface of lakes and lakes, for example). For deforestation, they point out, it is necessary to encourage new farming techniques.
For 16-year-old Bruna Leo, preparing for the Olympic future. “We will be next in the COP to solve these problems.” From Santa Cruz, he was in the top 50, along with Andre Abbott, 16.
Young people from the United Kingdom, Vietnam, Canada and Hong Kong won first place, sharing the US $ 10,000 prize.
Information from the newspaper State of Sவோo Paulo.